

Comparative study on new industrialization in Jiangsu,Guangdong,Zhejiang and Shandong and its enlightenment to Jiangsu
摘要 党的二十大报告强调,推进新型工业化,加快建设制造强国。新型工业化是立足新发展阶段,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念的工业化。江苏、广东、浙江、山东(苏粤浙鲁)是我国重要的工业省份,工业发展体量大、水平高,工业增加值总量达到东部地区的七成、全国的四成。对比四省份的新型工业化情况,既能为江苏进一步发展寻找方向,也能为全国推进新型工业化工作提供参考。按照新型工业化特点和要求,从经济发展、创新能力、数实融合、企业实力、绿色循环、开放合作六个方面选取指标,对苏粤浙鲁新型工业化发展水平进行评价。研究发现,苏粤浙鲁四省份中,江苏在经济发展、绿色循环、数实融合方面有优势,在创新能力、开放合作方面有优点,在企业实力方面有短板。江苏需要以高质量发展为主题,以改革创新为动力,以先进制造业集群和产业链培育为抓手,推动产业结构向中高端迈进,推进产业智能化绿色化发展,健全产业科技创新体系,促进高水平双向开放合作,全面壮大大中小企业梯队,推进新型工业化走向纵深,加快建设制造强省。 Report to the 2Oth National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that we will advance new industrialization and move faster to boost China's strength in manufacturing.New industrialization is an industrialization based on the new stage of development and implements the new development concept completely,accurately and comprehensively.Jiangsu,Guangdong,Zhejiang and Shandong are important industrial provinces in China,with large industrial development and high level.Their total industrial value added reaches 70%in the eastern region and 40%in China.By comparing the new industrialization in the four provinces,one can not only find the direction for the further development of Jiangsu,but also provide references for the advancement of new industrialization in China.According to the characteristics and requirements of new industrialization,the development level of new industrialization in Jiangsu,Guangdong,Zhejiang and Shandong from indexes of six aspects,i.e.economic development,innovation ability,integration of digital economy and real economy,enterprise strength,green cycling and open cooperation,were evaluated.It is found that among the four provinces,Jiangsu has superiorities in economic development,green cycling and integration of digital economy and real economy,advantages in innovation ability and open cooperation,and shortcomings in enterprise strength.Jiangsu needs to take high-quality development as the theme,reform and innovation as the driving force,and the cultivation of advanced manufacturing clusters and industrial chains as the starting point to push the industrial structure to the middle and high-end,promote the intelligent and green development of industry,improve the industrial science and technology innovation system,promote high-level two-way open cooperation,comprehensively expand the echelon of large,medium and small enterprises,promote the deepening of new industrialization,and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing province.
作者 吴小松 张睿 WU Xiaosong;ZHANG Rui(Jiangsu Institute of Economic and Information Technology,Nanjing 210003,China)
出处 《新型工业化理论与实践》 2024年第1期108-117,共10页 Theory and Practice of New Industrialization
关键词 新型工业化 制造业 高质量发展 new industrialization manufacturing high-quality development
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