

FU Wenlu’s experience in treating endometrial cancer from the three methods of reinforcing Yang
摘要 子宫内膜癌在中国居女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤的第二位,好发于更年期和绝经期妇女。钦安卢氏扶阳医学发展历经二百余年,在子宫内膜癌等恶性肿瘤的治疗中疗效显著,可重复性强。其中,尤以脉定药、立法治病和次第分明的治疗策略,发前人之所未发,别成一派之学术。傅文录老师作为扶阳医学的领军人物,在恶性肿瘤等疑难杂症的治疗中经验丰富,屡起沉疴。傅老师秉承扶阳派“无火不生,无火不化”的学术思想,认为阳虚内寒,瘀污阻滞是子宫内膜癌的发病根本。患者下焦阴凝寒结而微阳难以启发,导致人身升降失调而一气不能周流,同时肾水不暖无法滋生肝木,肝郁受阻则失于调达疏泄,气机阻滞导致瘀血产生。治疗上应遵循“解表祛邪-建中理中-纳下填精”的治病次第,综合运用桂枝法、附子法、附桂法及非附桂法,固中宫,调升降。治疗原则当以温补脾肾为本,兼顾疏肝暖脾,并注意活血化瘀法的运用。用药上以大剂量姜桂附为主,助其气化,益火之源以消阴翳,并辅以行气化瘀之品,疏肝解郁,祛瘀生新。围绕任、冲与督脉,以扶阳抑阴为体,气化消瘀为用,最终实现水火既济、木土相协和金木交并的身体状态,从而延长子宫内膜癌患者的生存期,提高生活质量,最终使得癥瘕形质之病软化消失。 Endometrial carcinoma is the second most common malignancy of female reproductive system in China,and it is most common in menopausal and postmenopausal women.After more than 200 years,Qing’an-LU reinforcing Yang(阳)medical science has rich experience in the treatment of endometrial cancer and other malignant tumors,with remarkable curative effects and strong repeatability.Among them,prescribing medicine by pulse,treating diseases by established methods and treating diseasesE by order are the first of TCM.As a leader of reinforcing Yang Medical Science,Mr.FU Wenlu has rich experience in the treatment of complicated diseases such as malignant tumors.Adhering to the academic thought of reinforcing Yang genre,no fire,no life,Mr.FU Wenlu considers that Yang deficiency and internal cold,and silt dirt blocking are the cause of endometrial cancer.The patient’s lower Jiao(焦)is cold and Yang is difficult to inspire,resulting in the imbalance of the human body,and the Qi(气)can not flow around.Kidney warm water is difficult to nourish liver wood at the same time.Liver blocked depression cannot freely distribute and the blockage of Qi leads to blood stasis.It should be noted to the step of treatment of releasing exterior and eliminating evil-strengthening stomach-recepting Qi and replenishing essence.The Guizhi(Ramulus Cinnamomi)method,the Fuzi(Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata)method,the Guizhi and Fuzi method,and without Guizhi and Fuzi method should be used comprehensively,protecting and improving the function of the middle Jiao,adjusting the rise and fall of Qi.Taking warming the spleen and kidney as the basis,soothing the liver and warming the spleen,promoting blood circulation and removing stasis should be noted.The medicine is mainly based on large doses of Shengjiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)and Rougui(Cortex Cinnamomi),to help its gasification,the source of fire to eliminate the Yin(阴),and supplemented by Qi and blood stasis products,soothing liver and eliminating stagnation,removing blood stasis and generating new.Supporting Yang and suppressing Yin should be considered as the treatment ontology by focusing on conception vessel,Chong vessel(冲脉)and Du vessel(督脉).Regulating Qi and dispersing blood stasis should be regarded as the treatment methodology.The body state of water and fire harmony,wood and earth harmony and gold and wood harmony can be achieved,thus prolonging the survival period of patients with endometrial cancer and improving the quality of life.Eventually,the tumor could soften and disappear.
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第1期24-28,共5页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 高层次卫生人才“六个一工程”拔尖人才项目(LGY2020046)。
关键词 火神派 桂枝法 附子法 附桂法 治病次第 Huoshen genre The Guizhi method The Fuzi method The Guizhi and Fuzi method Treatment order
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