
以教育财政体制机制改革保障教育强国建设 被引量:3

On the Institutional Mechanism of Education Finance to Ensure the Construction of an Educationally Strong Nation
摘要 教育财政体制机制改革在保障教育强国建设中具有战略作用。以教育之强夯实国家富强之基需综合施策,从而建设更为全面和可持续的教育强国,应从以下四方面着力。第一,优化财政支撑结构以回应人口规模巨大的现代化,包括:以学龄人口减少为契机缩小班级规模并提升义务教育质量;统筹规划延长义务教育年限,将高中和学前纳入十五年一体化规划;谋划高等教育毛入学率至80%的目标,发展职业本科,推进高等教育本科化。第二,面向教育高质量发展优化全学段学生资助体系,包括:建立幼儿资助制度,资助投入重点向经济不发达地区倾斜;强化省级统筹,建立义务教育财政资助经费充足性标准;实施农村高中贫困学生特殊资助计划,一体化设计至研究生阶段;强化中职资助政策目标性,提高中职毕业生的就业技能;重视中央政府的资助责任,制定合理的学费定价政策。第三,加强省级政府对教师工资的统筹以优化财权事权配置,包括:建立住房补贴、交通补贴、年度考核等的分项目按比例分担机制;大力推动政府层级间基础教育事权和支出责任划分;以高位领导的管理体制保障农村教师工资增长。第四,面向教育强国建设完善现代教育财政制度,包括:建立财权与支出责任对等的政府间教育财政关系;完善规范透明的预算制度并强化绩效管理;继续坚持教育财政投入的指标挂钩制度。 The institutional mechanism reform of education finance plays a strategic role in ensuring the construction of an educationally strong nation.To consolidate the foundation of national prosperity through robust education,comprehensive strategies need to be implemented to build a more comprehensive and sustainable education power,which should focus on optimizing the following four aspects.Firstly,optimize the financial support structure to respond to the modernization of a huge population,including methods of:seizing the opportunity of a reduced school-age population to reduce class sizes and enhance the quality of compulsory education;overall planning to extend the length of compulsory education which integrates high school and preschool into a unified 15-year plan;designing to achieve a gross enrollment rate of 80%in higher education,and promoting undergraduate education by advancing vocational undergraduate programs.Secondly,optimize the student funding system across all educational stages,to achieve high-quality education development,including methods of:establishing a subsidy system for preschool education with a priority towards economically underdeveloped areas;strengthening provincial coordination and establish standards for sufficient financial support funds for compulsory education;implementing special aid programs for impoverished rural high school students,with an integrated design up to the graduate stage;strengthening the targeting of vocational aid policies to enhance the employment skills of vocational graduates;and valuing the funding responsibility of the central government and formulate rational tuition pricing policies.Thirdly,optimize the allocation of financial and administrative powers by strengthening provincial governments'overall planning of teacher salaries,including methods of:establishing a proportional sharing mechanism for sub-projects such as housing subsidies,transportation subsidies,and annual assessments;vigorously promoting the division of powers and expenditure responsibilities for basic education among government levels;ensuring the salary growth of rural teachers through a management system with led by highlevel authorities.Fourthly,optimize the modern education finance system to ensure the construction of an educationally strong nation,including methods of:establishing a government-to-government education financial relationship with equivalent financial rights and expenditure responsibilities;improving standardized and transparent budget systems and strengthening performance management;and adhering to the system of linkage of educational financial input indicators.
作者 胡耀宗 蒋帆 Hu Yaozong;Jiang Fan
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2023年第12期3-12,共10页 Education Research Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“国家教育体系适应人口结构变化的战略管理研究”(编号:20AGL030)。
关键词 教育强国 教育现代化 教育财政 体制机制改革 educationally strong nation modernization of education education finance reform of institutional mechanisms
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