

The International Regulation of Using Cryptocurrency to“evade”Economic Sanctions——And Its Implications for China
摘要 加密货币因其特殊机理已成为被制裁方“逃避”经济制裁的理想方式之一,发达国家和国际组织已开始探寻规制利用加密货币“逃避”经济制裁的有效方式。国际监管无疑是打击利用加密货币“逃避”经济制裁的最佳方式,但是由于各国监管理念等方面的差异,目前构建加密货币国际统一监管规则还存在若干障碍。考虑到各国加密货币发展实际以及加密货币监管现状,双边协调应该是目前对其进行规制的现实选择。但长远看,应当构建以安理会为核心的国际监管体系,同时应发挥FSB在促进国际监管规则统一化方面的作用。作为被制裁方的中国应当探索利用加密货币“反制”他国制裁的可能性,作为制裁方的中国应当预防被制裁方利用加密货币“逃避”经济制裁的行为。 Cryptocurrency has become one of the ideal ways for sanctioned entities to“evade”economic sanctions due to its unique mechanism.Developed countries and international organizations have begun to explore effective ways to regulate the use of cryptocurrencies to“evade”economic sanctions.International regulation is undoubtedly the best approach to crack down the use of cryptocurrencies to“circumvent”economic sanctions,but due to differences in regulatory concepts and other factors among countries,there are still several obstacles to the construction of international unified regulatory rules for cryptocurrencies.Considering the actual development of cryptocurrencies in different countries and the current state of cryptocurrency regulation,bilateral coordination should be the realistic choice for regulating the use of cryptocurrencies for the time being.However,in the long run,an international regulatory system with the Security Council as the core should be established,and the FSB should play a role in promoting the unification of international regulatory rules.As a sanctioned entity,China should explore the potential for using cryptocurrencies as a means of“counteracting”sanctions from other countries,and as a sanctioning body,China should prevent sanctioned entities from using cryptocurrencies to“evade”economic sanctions.
作者 曾灿 Zeng Can(Law School,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan,Hubei 430073)
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2024年第2期129-143,共15页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 2021年国家社科基金重大项目“我国经济制裁法律体系构建研究”(项目编号:21&ZD202)的阶段性成果。
关键词 经济制裁 反制裁 加密货币 国际规制 economic sanctions anti-sanctions cryptocurrency international regulation
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