Based on the innovation value chain theory,this study constructed an analytical framework for the interaction mechanism between urban collaborative innovation and green technology transfer and used the green patent cooperation and green technology trans⁃fer micro-big data of universities,scientific research institutions,and enterprises to describe the green technology R&D cooperation net⁃work and green technology transfer network of 278 cities in China from 2010 to 2020.The simultaneous equation model was used to em⁃pirically test the interaction mechanism,and the moderating effect of industry-university-research policy coordination was analyzed.The results showed that:①Urban collaborative innovation and green technology transfer had a positive feedback mechanism that pro⁃moted each other,which reflected the mutual promotion cycle relationship between the upstream and downstream of the green innova⁃tion value chain.②By decomposing urban collaborative innovation and green technology transfer into extensive margin and intensive margin,this study found that the interactive relationship between the two was only reflected at the extensive marginal level,and the number of cities was quickly embedded in the urban collaborative innovation and green technology transfer network,but the intensity of cooperative R&D and technology transfer needed to be further improved.③The interactive relationship between urban collaborative in⁃novation and green technology transfer was only effective in the spatial dimension of the inner city,and showed local regional attributes.The national green technology innovation value chain cycle pattern had not yet formed.④Based on the text analysis method,this study constructed a regional policy synergy index and found that the industry-university-research policy collaboration strengthened the promo⁃tion relationship between urban collaborative innovation and green technology transfer,but not vice versa.The level of collaboration be⁃tween industry-university-research policy subjects and policy tools needed to be improved.Finally,according to the conclusions,coun⁃termeasures and suggestions are put forward,including strengthening collaborative innovation in green technologies by fully utilizing the innovative advantages of different entities and different regions,enhancing the capacity for collaborative innovation in green technol⁃ogies,establishing effective channels for the transfer of green technologies,conducting research and development as well as application of common key technologies,promoting a positive interaction between the supply and demand of green technologies,elevating the level of policy coordination among industry,academia,research,and government by enhancing communication and coordination between de⁃partments responsible for policy formulation,and fostering synergy among policies related to the supply and demand of industry-univer⁃sity-research collaboration as well as environmental policies.
SUN Bowen(Institute of Quantitative&Technical Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China;Zhejiang Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Finance&Economics,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018 China;Economic Big Data and Policy Evaluation Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
China Population,Resources and Environment
urban collaborative innovation
green technology transfer
industry⁃university⁃research policy coordination
simultaneous equation model