

The Theoretical Value and Practical Significance of Lenin's Ideological Legacy To the World To the World’s Revolutions and the Vietnamese Revolution
摘要 列宁对马克思主义关于社会主义及社会主义发展道路的理论进行了发展和创新,领导俄国取得伟大的十月革命胜利,建立了世界上第一个工农苏维埃政权,使科学社会主义从理论变成现实,开辟了资本主义向社会主义过渡的人类历史新纪元。列宁根据十月革命后苏维埃俄国的具体国情,提出了从“战时共产主义”政策转向“新经济政策”的战略决策,使苏维埃俄国找到了向社会主义经济阶段过渡的新道路。“新经济政策”是列宁对马克思主义关于社会主义和社会主义道路理论的补充、发展和创新。在资本主义从自由竞争向帝国主义过渡的背景下,列宁在领导俄国革命和斗争的实践中,对马克思主义哲学、政治经济学和科学社会主义进行了全面的、创造性的运用、补充和发展,为全世界人类进步作出了具有划时代意义的杰出贡献,是捍卫和创造性地发展马克思主义的典范。列宁关于民族和殖民地问题的理论为被压迫民族的民族独立斗争提供了宝贵的指导思想。在列宁主义的光辉照耀下,许多殖民地人民为摆脱帝国主义和殖民主义桎梏、争取独立和自由而斗争,并在获得解放之后选择了社会主义道路。越南革命领袖胡志明在列宁主义的指导下选择了无产阶级革命道路,将马克思列宁主义创造性地运用到越南革命实践中,带领越南人民取得了民族独立解放斗争的胜利。苏联解体、东欧剧变等严重曲折是国际社会主义运动的重大挫折,但这并不是社会主义的失败,而是苏联模式的失败。革新时期,越南共产党坚持并在创新中发展马克思列宁主义和胡志明思想,必将领导越南人民取得建设和保卫社会主义国家事业的胜利。 Lenin developed and innovated the Marxist theory of socialism and the path of socialist development.He led Rus‐sia to achieve the victory of the Great October Revolution and established the world's first workers'and peasants'Soviet power,turning scientific socialism from a theory into a reality and opening up a new era of human history in the transition from capital‐ism to socialism.Based on the national conditions of Soviet Russia after the Revolution,Lenin put forward the strategic decision to shift from War Communism to the New Economic Policy,which enabled Soviet Russia to find a new path for the transition to the stage of the socialist economy.The New Economic Policy is Lenin's supplement,development and innovation of the Marxist theory of socialism and the socialist road.Against the background of the transition of capitalism from free competition to imperi‐alism,Lenin,in the practice of leading the Russian revolutions and struggles,comprehensively and creatively applied,supple‐mented and developed Marxist philosophy,political economy and scientific socialism,making epoch-making and outstanding contributions to the progress of mankind throughout the world,and was a model for defending and creatively developing Marx‐ism.Lenin's theory on the National and Colonial Questions provided a valuable guiding ideology for the struggle for national in‐dependence of the oppressed nations.As a result of Leninism,many colonial peoples struggled to shake off the shackles of impe‐rialism and colonialism,fought for independence and freedom,and chose the socialist road after liberation.Under the guidance of Leninism,Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh chose the road of proletarian revolution,creatively applied Marxism Leninism to the practice of the Vietnamese revolution,and led the Vietnamese people to victory in the struggle for national inde‐pendence and liberation.The collapse of the Soviet Union and the drastic changes in Eastern Europe were major setbacks for the international socialist movement.However,it was not a failure of socialism,but a failure of the Soviet model.During the period of renovations,the Communist Party of Vietnam adheres to and develops Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought through innovation,and will lead the Vietnamese people to victory in the cause of building and defending a socialist country.
作者 (越南)阮春胜 韦丽春(译) 潘金娥(审校) (Vietnam)Nguyễn Xuân Thắngg;Wei Lichun;Pan Jin’e(The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam,The Cen‐tral Theoretical Council of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam,Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Poli‐tics,Hanoi,100000,Vietnam;Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences,Nanning,530022,China;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,100028,China)
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2024年第1期92-98,共7页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 广西壮族自治区党委宣传部2023年度重点马克思主义学院、马克思主义理论研究和建设工程基地扶持项目“越南在思想理论、政治建设、党的建设等方面的动态”(2023)资助
关键词 列宁思想遗产 越南 理论意义 实践价值 Lenin's ideological legacy Vietnam theoretical significance practical value
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