

The generation logic and risk governance of metaverse digital capital
摘要 数字资本竞争的加剧,推动资本不断开拓发展空间,催生元宇宙数字资本空间新场域。元宇宙的本质是数字资本的空间扩张、底层生产扩张与国际资本扩张,促进资本对空间的创新利用,扩大资本再生产并提高资本增殖能力。就空间与资本的关系而言,空间可以脱离资本而存在,资本却无法脱离空间独自增殖,资本的扩张须以一定的空间为其物质性载体。空间要素资本化与资本空间化是元宇宙数字资本扩张的显著特征。元宇宙的发展与生产促进了数字技术的应用,不断推动现有产业的数字化转型,“虚实相融”是数字资本生产的新业态。然而,元宇宙在提供数字资本发展新空间的同时,也暗藏资本无序逐利所招致的诸多风险隐患。面对元宇宙中未加规制的“蓝海市场”以及未曾开发的潜在高额利润,元宇宙可能成为数字资本剥削的新工具,发达国家或将借此扩大自身与数字弱势国家的“脱轨”,实现在元宇宙中的数字霸权与话语支配。在积极拥抱数字技术和元宇宙的同时,主动进行数字资本风险管理,是元宇宙数字资本风险治理的辩证法。基于此,对元宇宙数字资本的前瞻风险治理,需以社会主义市场经济在市场统一有序、资源合理配置、发展集中力量等方面的固有优势,有效管控伴随元宇宙而来的工具性风险、脱轨性风险和挤压性风险。 The intensification of digital capital competition has driven capital to continuously expand its development space,giving rise to a new field of metaverse digital capital space.The essence of metaverse is the spatial expansion of digital capital,the expansion of underlying production and international capital,promoting the innovative use of space by capital,expanding capital reproduction and increasing capital multiplication capacity.As far as the relationship between space and capital is concerned,space can exist independently of capital,but capital cannot proliferate independently of space,and the expansion of capital must take a certain amount of space as its material carrier.The capitalization of spatial elements and the spatialization of capital are distinctive features of the expansion of digital capital in metaverse.The development and production of metaverse promotes the application of digital technology,and continuously promotes the digital transformation of existing industries,and the“fusion of virtual and reality”is the new mode of digital capital production.However,while metaverse provides a new space for the development of digital capital,it also harbors many hidden risks caused by the disorderly pursuit of profits by capital.In the face of the unregulated“blue ocean market”and unexploited potential high profits in metaverse,metaverse can become a new tool for the exploitation of digital capital,and the developed countries may use it to expand the“derailment”between themselves and digitally disadvantaged countries,so as to achieve digital hegemony and discourse domination in metaverse.While actively embracing digital technology and metaverse,proactive digital capital risk management is the dialectic of digital capital risk governance in metaverse.Based on this,the forward-looking risk governance of metaverse digital capital needs to rely on the inherent advantages of the socialist market economy in terms of unified and orderly markets,rational allocation of resources and centralized power of development to effectively manage the instrumental,derailment and squeeze risks that come with metaverse.
作者 严运楼 李佳铭 刘畅 YAN Yunlou;LI Jiaming;LIU Chang(School of Marxism,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China;School of Journalism and Communication,Chongqing University,Chongqing 401331,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期93-101,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目(21BKS059) 重庆大学传媒工作坊大学生科技创新团队项目(02320051070006)。
关键词 元宇宙 数字资本 空间演化 资本扩张 风险治理 metaverse digital capital spatial evolution capital expansion risk governance
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