

The laborers’realistic dilemma in the age of artificialintelligence and its countermeasures
摘要 人工智能作为第四次工业革命的核心驱动力,变革了劳动方式,极大地推动了劳动生产力的发展,引发了经济结构的重大调整,深刻改变了人类生产生活方式和思维方式。同时,我们也要清醒地认识到,作为一种智能化的机器,人工智能的广泛应用提高了资本有机构成,增强了资本的增殖能力,是资本追求剩余价值的有力手段。在资本控制下,人工智能非但没有改变劳动者的地位,反而成为对劳动者加强剥削的新手段,当下的劳动者面临着人工智能对工人劳动的替代所造成的失业危机、技术偏向性所造成的贫富差距扩大、“智能落差”所造成的社会不平等加剧和相关法律政策相对欠缺所造成的权益保障困难等一系列现实困境。人工智能本身并不会造成这些问题,其根本原因在于资本的逐利性。马克思指出要把机器和机器的资本主义应用区别开来,因此,我们亦应把人工智能和人工智能的资本主义应用加以区分,从根本上限制资本的无序发展,避免资本对人工智能的垄断;激发人工智能的技术红利,规避劳动者的技术性失业;倡导人工智能的社会主义应用,系统推进人工智能健康有序发展;加强各国之间协调合作,促进相关法律和制度建设;关切劳动者权益,着力完善人工智能时代的社会保障体系。 Artificial intelligence(or AI),as the core driving force of the fourth industrial revolution,has transformed the way of labor,promoted a great increase in labor productivity,triggered a major change in the economic structure,and profoundly altered the way of human production and life and the way of thinking.At the same time,we should also be soberly aware that,as an intelligent machine,the widespread application of artificial intelligence has improved the organic composition of capital,enhanced the proliferation capacity of capital,and is a powerful means for capital to pursue surplus value.Under the control of capital,artificial intelligence has not only failed to change the status of workers,but has become a new means of strengthening the exploitation of workers.Currently,workers are facing a series of practical dilemmas caused by the replacement of labor by artificial intelligence,such as unemployment crisis caused by technological bias,widening gap between rich and poor caused by“intelligence gap”,and intensified social inequality caused by the lack of relevant legal policies.Artificial intelligence itself does not cause these dilemmas,and the root cause of these problems is the profit-seeking nature of capital.Marx pointed out that we should distinguish between machines and capitalist applications of machines.Therefore,we should also distinguish between artificial intelligence and its capitalist application,fundamentally restrict the disorderly development of capital,avoid the monopoly of capital on artificial intelligence.We should also stimulate the technological dividends of artificial intelligence,and avoid technological unemployment of workers.We should advocate the socialist application of artificial intelligence,systematically promote the healthy and orderly development of artificial intelligence.We should strengthen coordination and cooperation among countries,promote the construction of relevant laws and systems.We should also care about the rights and interests of workers,and focus on improving the social security system in the era of artificial intelligence.
作者 刘海军 龙珍罗尔依 LIU Haijun;LONG Zhenluoeryi(School of Marxism,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期121-129,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:人工智能发展对我国工人阶级的影响研究(22AKS014) 天津市研究生科研创新项目:人工智能时代劳动关系新变化研究(2022SKY263)。
关键词 人工智能 资本运行逻辑 劳动者权益 社会保障体系 artificial intelligence logic of capital operation rights and interests of labor social security system
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