目的 :了解磁附着体安放位置的前后对下颌覆盖总义齿咀嚼效能的影响。方法 :选择下颌前牙区和后牙区仅存单个基牙患者各 10名 ,分别制做单基牙磁附着体下颌覆盖总义齿 ,测试磁附着体安放前、后的咀嚼效能 ,比较前、后基牙组安放磁附着体后咀嚼效能的提高值。结果 :前牙区安放磁附着体者 ,其下颌覆盖总义齿的咀嚼效能提高值明显大于后牙区安放磁附着体者。结论
Objective: To investigate the correlation between different positions of magnetic attachment emplacing and masticatory efficiency in mandibular complete overdenture.Methods:20 subjects whose mandible had only one tooth remaining were selected;10 subjects had a remaining tooth in the front of mandible,others' teeth were molars in the mandible;they were treated with magnetic attachment retained mandible complete overdenture.Each patient's masticatory efficiency was measured at different periods, and the statistics of each individual were compared respectively.Results:masticatory efficiency of patients with magnetic attachment in the front of the mandible was much higher than the masticatroy efficiency of patients with magnetic attachment in their molars.Conclusion:The effect of the magnetic attachment emplacing in the front of the mandible is better than the effect of emplacing in the molars.
Practical Clinical Medicine