
罗霄山脉甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)群落的纬度地带性研究

Study on the latitudinal zonality of Castanopsis eyrei communities in Luoxiao Range
摘要 甜槠是中国亚热带常绿阔叶林主要特征种和优势种,具有重要的生态学价值,其果可食用,主木可供材用,因此掌握其群落生态学特征具有重要意义。针对罗霄山脉5个典型的甜槠群落—连云山、井冈山、桃源洞、八面山、五指峰进行了群落生态学研究与分析,结果表明:(1)5个甜槠群落分别有维管植物34科49属56种、39科62属102种、59科96属154种、54科86属143种、38科62属98种,甜槠为各群落的优势种,其重要值在各群落中均最高。(2)甜槠群落的地理成分组成同时受到纬度和海拔的影响,井冈山、桃源洞、八面山、五指峰甜槠群落具有较强的亚热带性质,连云山群落种子植物属的热带性成分因纬度与海拔的增加而减少,呈中亚热带向温带过渡性质。(3)群落相似性分析表明井冈山、桃源洞、八面山、五指峰群落间相似性系数在0.5左右,处于较高纬度、高海拔的连云山群落与其它群落相似性系数均小于0.4。(4)群落多样性指数表明井冈山、桃源洞、八面山、五指峰群落具有较高的物种多样性,且分布均匀,随着纬度增加,连云山群落物种多样性、均匀度降低。(5)群落径级结构分析表明连云山、桃源洞、五指峰群落甜槠种群呈衰退趋势,井冈山和八面山群落为稳定型。 Castanopsis eyrei is the main characteristic and dominant species of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in China,which has important ecological value.Its fruits are edible,and the wood can be used for timber.Therefore,it is of great significance to grasp its communities ecological characteristics.The analysis of community ecology was carried out on 5 typical Castanopsis eyrei communities in the Luoxiao Range-Lianyun Mountain,Jinggang Mountain,Taoyuandong Nature Reserve,Bamian Mountain,and Wuzhifeng Mountain.The results showed that:(1)There were 56 species of vascular plants in 49 genera in 34 families,102 species in 62 genera in 39 families,154 species in 96 genera in 59 families,143 species in 86 genera in 54 families,98 species in 62 genera in 38 families in 5 Castanopsis eyrei communities respectively.Castanopsis eyrei was the dominant species in each community,and its important value was the highest.(2)The geographical composition of Castanopsis eyrei communities was affected by latitude and altitude.The communities in Jinggang Mountain,Taoyuandong Nature Reserve,Bamian Mountain,and Wuzhifeng had strong subtropical properties,while the tropical composition in Lianyun mountain community decreased with the increase of latitude and altitude,showing a transition from mid-subtropical to temperate.(3)The community similarity analysis showed that the similarity coefficient of Jinggangshan,Taoyuandong,Bamianshan and wuzhifeng communities was about 0.5,and that of Lianyun mountain at higher latitude and higher altitude was less than 0.4.(4)The community diversity index showed that Jinggangshan,Taoyuandong,Bamianshan and wuzhifeng communities had high species diversity and evenly distributed.With the increase of latitude,the species diversity and evenness of Lianyun mountain community decreased.(5)Analysis of the community diameter class structure showed that the Castanopsis eyrei population in Lianyunshan,Taoyuandong,and Wuzhifeng communities showed a declining trend,while Jinggangshan and Bamianshan communities were stable.
作者 邹艳丽 王倩 丁巧玲 周奇 刘忠成 陈志晖 廖文波 ZOU Yanli;WANG Qian;DING Qiaoling;ZHOU Qi;LIU Zhongcheng;CHEN Zhihui;LIAO Wenbo(School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;Jiangxi Forestry talent service center,Nanchang 330038,China;Logistics Department,Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,Guangzhou 510850,China;Administration Bureau of Jiangxi Guanshan National Nature Reserve,Yichun 336300,China)
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2023年第6期93-104,共12页 Ecological Science
基金 国家科技基础性工作专项(2013FY111500)。
关键词 甜槠 罗霄山脉 群落特征 纬度地带性 Castanopsis eyrei Luoxiao Range community characteristics latitudinal zonality
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