

Neo-modernity Construction and Interpretation of the Chinese Path to Modernization
摘要 中国式现代化不同于以往任何国家和地区的现代化模式,它既有各国现代化的共同特征,更有基于国情的中国特色。因此,对中国式现代化的解读,需要突破以往的西方现代性解释框架,进行新现代性构建和阐释。中国式现代化的新现代性构建要在“反思—批判—建构”的逻辑框架基础上实现对西方现代性话语体系的借鉴和超越,对马克思现代性批判理论的继承和发展,更要立足于中国场域,彰显东方逻辑,展现中国道路、中国模式和中华文明的实践样态,最终形成以新现代性为核心概念,以实践理性、共同性、人类文明新形态为理论样态,以坚持党的全面领导、坚持全体人民为中心为本质属性,以多元协调、整体推进、叙事多样为实践特征的新现代性阐释框架。 The Chinese path to modernization is different from the modernization model of any country or region in the past.It has the common characteristics of modernization of all countries,as well as Chinese characteristics based on national conditions.Therefore,the interpretation of the Chinese path to modernization needs to break through the previous interpretation framework of Western modernity and construct and interpret neo-modernity.This has important theoretical and practical values for accurately interpreting the Chinese path to modernization,innovating the theoretical system of the Chinese path to modernization,and promoting the practice of the Chinese path to modernization.It has important practical enlightenment for promoting the development of world modernization and the construction of a new form of human civilization.The construction of the neo-modernity of the Chinese path to modernization should first learn from and surpass the discourse system of Western modernity.On the one hand,neo-modernity is an unfinished form of modernity,emphasizing the theoretical applicability between modernity and neo-modernity,and achieving absorption and reference to the discourse system of Western modernity by adhering to the three positions of modernity,postmodernism,and reflective modernity.On the other hand,neo-modernity is essentially a socialist modernity that transcends capitalist modernity.While recognizing the universal significance of modernity,we should also take into account China’s national conditions.The previous interpretation framework of modernity based on Western modernization cannot effectively explain the Chinese path to modernization,which achieved the transcendence of the discourse system of Western modernity.The construction of the neo-modernity of the Chinese path to modernization must achieve the inheritance and development of Marx’s critical theory of modernity.In Marx’s critical theory of modernity,“diagnosis-criticism-construction”constitutes a logical chain of modernity criticism.Marx’s criticism of capitalist modernity is based on the premise of diagnosis of capital and guided by the construction of socialist modernity.The construction of the neo-modernity of the Chinese path to modernization should also be carried out in the Marxist logic of“diagnosis-criticism-construction”,which is the basic logic that the construction of the neo-modernity needs to follow.The neo-modernity construction of the Chinese path to modernization should also be based on the Chinese field and explore the“Chinese gene”in the Chinese road,Chinese model,and Chinese civilization.Firstly,the Chinese road has achieved a great leap forward from the new democratic revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics to the socialist construction road with Chinese characteristics,and then to the new road of the Chinese path to modernization,showing a dialectical development process from“revolutionary modernity”to“construction modernity”to“reform modernity”and then to“neo-modernity”.The second is that the Chinese model achieves model innovation through reference,criticism,reflection,and transcendence of the Anglo-American model,the Soviet model,the Nordic model,the Latin American model and the East Asian model.The third issue is the modernity of Chinese civilization,which is the foundation of civilization for the possibility of neo-modernity.Based on the triple logic of constructing neo-modernity mentioned above,a framework for interpreting neo-modernity is ultimately formed.The first is the theoretical form of neo-modernity.Neo-modernity has achieved a leap forward from instrumental rationality to practical rationality,from individuality to commonality,and from civilization conflicts to new forms of human civilization.The second is the fundamental nature of neo-modernity,including adhering to the comprehensive leadership of the Party and putting the entire people at the center.The third is the practical characteristics of neo-modernity,including diversified coordination,overall promotion,diverse narrative,and so on.
作者 段治文 张晓委 Duan Zhiwen;Zhang Xiaowei(School of Marxism,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第12期17-30,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目(21FDJB001) 浙江大学马克思主义学院研究生科研支持计划重点项目(myjs2022-11)。
关键词 中国式现代化 现代性 新现代性建构 新现代性阐释 Chinese path to modernization modernity construction of neo-modernity explanation of neo-modernity
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