

Research on Ecosystem Operation Mechanism of Shared Manufacturing Platform for Small and Micro Enterprises
摘要 基于云制造的小微企业共享制造平台构成平台生态系统,其核心要素包括平台运营企业、制造资源提供方企业、制造资源需求方企业和为小微企业提供服务的互补生态种群企业。共享制造平台集聚分散的制造资源,通过建立连接机制、产权机制、决策机制、信息机制、激励机制、约束机制、风险机制、信任合作机制、赋能机制、价值共创机制,吸引多边企业入驻,激发网络效应,促进平台生态系统协同发展,为小微企业提供全产业链、全生命周期的制造服务。 The cloud manufacturing-based shared manufacturing platform for small and micro enterprises constitutes the platform ecosystem,whose core elements include platform operating enterprises,manufacturing resource providers,manufacturing resource demanders and complementary ecological group enterprises providing services for small and micro enterprises.The sharing gathers and scattered manufacturing resources,attracts multilateral enterprises to settle in,stimulates network effects and promotes the coordinated development of the platform ecosystem by establishing the connection mechanism,property rights mechanism,decision-making mechanism,information mechanism,incentive mechanism,constraint mechanism,risk mechanism,trust and cooperation mechanism,enabling mechanism and value cocreation mechanism,which provides manufacturing services for small and micro enterprises in the whole industrial chain and life cycle.
作者 李正标 黄岳山 LI Zhengbiao;HUANG Yueshan(School of Business and Logistics,Yueyang Vocational Technical College,Yueyang 414000,Hunan)
出处 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期45-50,共6页 Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic
基金 2018年度湖南省哲学社会科学基金“2025湖南智造”高职项目“基于云制造的小微企业共享制造平台运行机制研究”(项目编号:18YBG032)。
关键词 云制造 共享制造平台 生态系统 运行机制 cloud manufacturing shared manufacturing platform ecosystem operation mechanism
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