

Research on the impact of global value chain participation on the export of ICT manufacturing products
摘要 数字经济时代,资本、技术密集型产业的代表——ICT制造业的全球价值链(GVC)分工最为深入。基于2000—2018年61个国家和地区的数据,深入考察了ICT产业GVC参与度对ICT制造业产品出口的影响。研究发现:ICT制造业GVC参与度对ICT制造业产品出口规模影响显著为正;分维度看,ICT制造业GVC前向参与度对ICT制造业产品出口额的影响显著为负,GVC后向参与度对ICT制造业产品出口额的影响显著为正;异质性检验结果表明,发达国家和地区ICT制造业GVC参与度对ICT制造业产品出口额的影响显著为正,且GVC后向参与度比GVC前向参与度更有利于出口规模的扩大,然而深化GVC后向参与度固然有助于其贸易规模扩大,但从盈利能力角度看却并非最优;发展中国家和地区ICT制造业GVC参与度对ICT制造业产品出口额的影响显著为负,且GVC后向参与度对出口规模的负向影响显然更深,加深GVC前向参与度有助于减轻其对出口规模的负向效应。 In the era of digital economy,the global value chain(GVC)of ICT manufacturing,the representative of capital and technology intensive industries,has the deepest division of labor.Based on the data of 61 countries(regions)from 2000 to 2018,this paper investigates the impact of GVC participation in ICT industry on the ex-port of ICT manufacturing products.The results show that the impact of GVC participation in ICT manufactur-ing on the export scale of ICT products is significantly positive;In terms of dimensions,the impact of GVC for-ward participation in ICT manufacturing on ICT product exports is significantly negative,while the impact of GVC backward participation on ICT product exports is significantly positive;The heterogeneity test results show that the impact of GVC participation in ICT manufacturing in developed countries(regions)on the export vol-ume of ICT products is significantly positive,and GVC backward participation is more conducive to the expan-sion of export scale than GVC forward participation;However,deepening the backward participation of GVC will help expand its trade scale,but it is not optimal from the perspective of profitability;The impact of GVC partici-pation in ICT manufacturing in developing countries(regions)on the export volume of ICT products is signifi-cantly negative,and the negative impact of GVC backward participation on the export scale is obviously deeper.Deepening GVC forward participation helps to reduce its negative effect on the export scale.
作者 吴盼盼 徐坡岭 WU Pan-pan;XU Po-ling(Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830012;Institute of Russian,Eastern European and Central Asia Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100007)
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2024年第3期54-62,共9页
基金 2023年度新疆维吾尔自治区社科联新时代党的治疆方略理论与实践研究课题“新疆打造亚欧黄金通道和向西开放桥头堡的路径研究”(编号:2023ZJFLZ06) 新疆财经大学重大资政调研项目“新形势下新疆对外贸易迈入高质量发展的困境与出路”(编号:2021XZZ001) 2023年度新疆财经大学研究生科研创新项目“要素禀赋、双向FDI与产业结构升级——基于中国加入RCEP的分析”(编号:XJUFE2023B015)。
关键词 GVC参与度 ICT制造业 出口贸易 附加值增长 GVC participation ICT manufacturing export trade added value growth
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