

Thermo-economic analysis of exhaust gas waste heat S-CO_(2) recompression brayton cycle power generation system for ship use
摘要 开展船舶主机不同负荷工况下的S-CO_(2)布雷顿循环余热系统热力学特性和效能分析是其实现工程应用的必要环节。本文通过性能分析确定系统热力学参数对净输出功率和平准化能源成本的影响变化趋势,最佳运行参数范围以及系统关键热力学参数。通过主机典型负荷工况下的效能评估,分析集成S-CO_(2)再压缩布雷顿循环余热发电系统后的船舶节能减排效益。结果表明:主压缩机入口压力和压比对整个余热发电系统热力学性能和经济性影响最为显著,可调节这2个关键热力学参数以确保系统在船舶主机不同负荷下获得良好系统性能;集成该余热发电系统后,MAN8S90ME-C10.2型主机系统热效率最高可提高0.91%,燃油消耗量平均每年可减少51 t,NO_(2)和CO_(2)的排放量每年可分别减少2.28 t和760 t。 Analyzing the system performances of the S-CO_(2)Brayton cycle waste heat recovery power generation system is an important part of realizing the engineering applications.In this study,the effects of thermodynamic parameters on the net power output and levelized cost of energy under different ship main engine load conditions can be obtained through thermodynamic analysis.Then,the Spearman rank correlation is deployed to assess the impact level of the thermodynamic parameters on the net power output and levelized cost of energy.At last,the Part-load performance study is carried out to evaluate the benefit from the S-CO_(2)recompression Brayton cycle waste heat recovery system.The results show that the main compressor inlet pressure and the system pressure ratio affect the system performance the most.Thus,it can adjust the two parameters to ensure the S-CO_(2)recompression Brayton cycle have a better performance under different ship main engine load conditions.In addition,the maximum equivalent thermal efficiency of the ship main engine MAN 8S90ME-C10.2 increase 0.91%.Correspondingly,the yearly average ship fuel consumption can be reduced about 51 tons.The emissions reductions of NO_(2)and CO_(2)can be lowered by 2.28 tons and 760 tons per year,respectively.
作者 潘鹏程 PAN Peng-cheng(College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy,China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443002,China)
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2024年第2期113-121,共9页 Ship Science and Technology
基金 宜昌市自然科学基金资助项目(A22-3-008)。
关键词 S-CO_(2)再压缩布雷顿循环 热力学分析 斯皮尔曼等级相关 主机烟气余热回收 S-CO_(2)recompression Brayton cycle Thermodynamic analysis Spearman rank correlation waste heat recovery
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