

The Media Logic of Historical Analogy:Proximity Mechanism,“Distant Suffering” Pattern,and Domestication Effect in Reporting Major Global Conflict Events
摘要 调用历史类比,在过去与当下的事件之间建立关联,是建构集体记忆、塑造公众认知的重要方式。本研究通过最相异系统设计的一项量化内容分析,考察了“9·11”、孟买恐怖袭击和开罗示威三个本世纪以来具有全球影响力的重大冲突事件的报道在美国、印度和中东北非等对应区域的代表性报纸中被调用历史类比的媒体逻辑。研究发现,在这三个事件的报道中,媒体逻辑存在着“远方苦难”模式,以他人经历解释他人苦难;呈现显著的“驯化效应”,报纸会努力将“他们”建构为“我们”或能够理解的人,在“他人”与“我们”之间建立认知关联和意义连接;媒体也会在本地区遭受暴力袭击事件时更多使用历史参照,展现出接近性机制。研究随后讨论了三种规律并存且依次递减的媒体逻辑及其对冲突性事件新闻报道的启示。 Invoking historical analogies to make connections between past and present events is an important way to construct collective memory and shape public perceptions. This study examines how representative newspapers in three areas-the United States, India, and Middle East North Africa(MENA),selected and used historical analogies in their coverage of three global major conflict events of this century including the September 11, the Mumbai terrorist attacks, and the Tahrir Square demonstrations through a quantitative content analysis using the most different system design(MDSD). The study found that in the coverage of these three events, there was a pattern of “distant suffering”;and there was a significant domestication effect;as a proximity mechanism, newspapers also made greater use of historical references in the context of their own countries or regions. The study then discussed the three coexisting and decreasing media logic and their implications for news reporting of conflict events.
作者 刘于思 袁光锋 马烨 LIU Yusi;YUAN Guangfeng;MA Ye(School of Journalism&Communication,Nanjing University;College of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University)
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第10期112-134,共23页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“全媒体时代提升政治传播效力与媒介体制韧性的跨国比较研究”(项目编号:23BZZ097)的研究成果。
关键词 历史类比 冲突性事件 媒体逻辑 集体记忆 historical analogy conflict events media logic collective memory
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