

“Misinterpretation”from“Modern China”:Lu Xun’s View of Mencius
摘要 鲁迅论及《孟子》之处颇多,但学界对二者关系的系统性研究几乎未见,此缺憾有待填补。一方面须对《鲁迅全集》中涉及《孟子》的98个条目从元典层面进行细读、对读,并分项梳理,如鲁迅批孟时的“误读”现象及其原因,鲁迅批判“圣人之徒”时对孟子的“殃及”,鲁迅借孟子之言对社会生活、人事现象的刻画、讽刺与揭露,以及鲁迅对孟子的认同与赞颂等。另一方面应将分项梳理综合起来,并与鲁迅在别处泛论孔孟及儒家的内容相结合,全面总结鲁迅的孟子观。总之,鲁迅对孟子的批驳多在观点层面,二者内在的思想逻辑多有一致、相通之处,统一于中华人文精神中刚健不屈、与时俱进的文化逻辑与精神原则。鲁迅对孟子乃至孔儒的批判,实则可视为中华人文精神在社会形态剧烈转型、破而后立关头的自我更新、自我批判。 Lu Xun discusses Mencius in many ways,but there is almost no systematic study of the relationship between the two in the academic world,this gap needs to be filled.On the one hand,the 98 entries in Lu Xun’s Collected Works concerning Mencius should be read carefully and sorted out at the level of canonical texts.For example,Lu Xun’s criticism of certain ideas of Mencius,the phenomenon of“misinterpretation”and the reasons for it,Lu Xun’s criticism of the“saints’disciples”and their“influence on Mencius”,Lu Xun’s criticism of social life and human phenomena through the words of Mencius,and Lu Xun’s portrayal,satire and revelation of social life and personnel phenomena,as well as Lu Xun’s recognition and praise of Mencius.On the other hand,it is necessary to synthesize the sub-compositions and combine them with Lu Xun’s general discussion of Confucius and Mencius and Confucianism elsewhere in order to comprehensively summarize Lu Xun’s view of Mencius.In short,Lu Xun’s criticism of Mencius is mostly at the doctrinal level and viewpoint level,but the inner logic of the two is mostly consistent and compatible,united in the Chinese humanistic spirit of robustness and unyieldingness,and the cultural logic and spiritual principle of advancing with the times.Lu Xun’s criticism of Mencius and even Confucius and Confucianism can be regarded as the self-renewal and self-criticism of Chinese humanistic spirit at the moment of drastic transformation of the social form and the breakthrough of the Chinese humanistic spirit.
作者 袁少冲 Yuan Shaochong
机构地区 西北大学文学院
出处 《探索与争鸣》 北大核心 2023年第12期142-154,195,共14页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“鲁迅评述注解《十三经》文献资料整理、细读及研究”(19BZW123)。
关键词 鲁迅 孟子 批判 误读 Lu Xun Mencius criticism misinterpretation
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