

Theoretical Foundation and Mechanism for Advancing Chinese Path to Modernization Led by the Communist Party of China
摘要 政党领导现代化国家建设是政党政治时代人类文明发展的基本特征。现代化的全球推进及其历史性变革催生了马克思主义政党,并引起了世界现代化类型的拓展,进而从根本上决定了政党领导作为马克思主义政党的价值目标,贯穿于以人的彻底解放与全面自由发展为根本指向的人类文明新形态的创造过程。中国共产党的领导是以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的核心驱动、显著标识和前提保障。坚持和加强党对中国式现代化的领导,既关涉党的马克思主义政党属性、政党职能、政党权威以及政党文化等理论范畴,也需要构建由发展党内民主、实现党的领导法治化、完善中国特色新型政党制度、开发运用党的核心政治资源以及提升党的综合能力等价值要素构成的实践机制。 The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)underscores the distinctive path of“Chinese modernization is socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the Communist Party of China”.There exists extensive academic discourse and interpretation.Based on the existing research on the theoretical foundations that enable the CPC to lead Chinese modernization and to analyze the practical mechanisms through which the CPC effectively steers this process.Centered on constructing a modern socialist state,the Marxist party’s goal has catalyzed China’s modern transformation towards national rejuvenation amidst momentous changes of a like not seen in a century. The intrinsic characteristics of a Marxist party inherently bind the party’s self-construction with the nation’s modernization endeavors. Leadership in Chinese modernization by the CPC entails addressing the needs and aspirations of the people, ensuring that the pathway to modernization aligns with public interests. The essence of CPC-led modernization is encapsulated by the Party fulfilling its roles, fostering high-quality development of modernization elements propelled by both state imperatives and Party guidance. The sustained authority and influence of the Party necessitate a dual focus: on the Party members who form the political foundation and on the people who represent the social basis of authority, striving for a healthy interaction between these two facets. The CPC’s distinctive party culture has nurtured the great founding spirit of the Party, encouraging the CPC to embrace its mission in constructing a modern state. The culture continually generates new resources, providing cultural sustenance and spiritual support for the socialist modernization of the state. The vigor of intraparty democracy injects life and dynamism within the Party, thereby energizing the CPC’s leadership in fostering modern political civilization. We should uphold democratic centralism, converting the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of Party members into the cohesive force and focal point of the Party’s leadership in Chinese modernization. A party underpinned by the rule of law is a fundamental prerequisite for a law-governed state. Elevating the legal governance standards of Party leadership ensures stability and maturity within the legal framework. The political party system, a critical measure of the modernization level of state governance, must perfect internal Party regulations and leverage the strengths of China’s new type of socialist political party system to enhance the scientific rigor of the CPC’s leadership in Chinese modernization. The people’s endorsement represents the cornerstone of the CPC’s ruling legitimacy. It is crucial to strengthen the bond between the Party and the people through mutual shaping of own transformation and social transformation. Facing a long and challenging journey, Chinese modernization necessitates that the CPC continuously improves its comprehensive capacity to nourish the growth of the modern state with the support of a modernized party civilization.
作者 张泰 Zhang Tai(School of Marxism,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,P.R.China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期12-20,共9页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 山东省社科基金青年项目“‘十个坚持’的内在逻辑与价值表达研究”(22DDJJ04) 国家社科基金一般项目“延安《解放日报》对中国共产党革命文化的发展研究”(21BDJ099)。
关键词 中国式现代化 党的领导 理论基点 实践机制 Chinese path to modernization Leadership of the CPC Theoretical foundation Practice mechanism
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