The digital literacy of primary and secondary school teachers is a key soft power in promoting the digital transformation of basic education,and an important support for building a high-quality education system.It is urgent to improve the digital literacy of prima-ry and secondary school teachers.From the perspective of embodied epistemology,this study adopts the questionnaire survey method,based on muliple regression analysis and structural equation model,and deeply explores the mechanisms by which primary and secondary school teachers'TPACK,technology acceptance,and technology application behavior transform into digital literacy.The results show that the over-all level of digital literacy of primary and secondary school teachers needs to be strengthened,and there are significant differences between urban and rural teachers;Teachers'TPACK is the key factor for the formation of digital literacy of primary and secondary school teachers.Technology acceptance and technology application behavior play mediating and chain mediating roles respectively in the process of transfor-ming TPACK into digital literacy for primary and secondary school teachers.Based on the above research results,it is proposed to promote digital literacy of primary and secondary school teachers.Improving the knowledge structure of teachers and shift from TPACK to AI-TPACK learning;Using minimalist thinking to select teaching tools that meet the needs of the subject and enhance teachers'technical ac-ceptance;Developing the"school wide promotion"model for improving teachers'digital technology application capabilities,and develop reasonable technology application behaviors based on evidence-based concepts.
HUANG Qingshuang(Liaoning Normal University,Dalian Liaoning 116029)
Modern Distance Education