
善意嫉妒和恶意嫉妒对旅游意愿的影响研究——一个有调节的中介模型 被引量:1

Research on the Influences of Benign and Malicious Envy on Travel Intention--A Moderated Mediating Model
摘要 近年来,国外旅游研究开始关注嫉妒情绪对旅游意愿的影响,然而目前学界对其内在作用机制的讨论相对不足。其中,特别缺乏从善意嫉妒和恶意嫉妒两个维度对旅游意愿的影响进行深入剖析与比较的研究。文章基于平衡理论和计划行为理论,探讨善意嫉妒和恶意嫉妒对目的地旅游意愿的影响及其作用机制。研究发现:善意嫉妒正向影响旅游意愿,而恶意嫉妒对旅游意愿没有直接影响;目的地态度在善意嫉妒与旅游意愿之间起部分中介作用,在恶意嫉妒与旅游意愿之间起完全中介作用;钦佩性自恋负向调节了目的地态度在善意嫉妒与旅游意愿之间的中介作用,正向调节了目的地态度在恶意嫉妒与旅游意愿之间的中介作用。 Recently,the relationship between envy and behavioral intention has started to be explored in tourism field.Although there is some research over envy and its effects,little is known about the mecha-nism from benign and malicious envy to travel consumption intention,especially for distinguishing and comparing them further.In order to theoretically expand the research on envy and travel consumer deci-sion-making,combining the balance theory and planned behavior theory,this paper analyses the effects of benign and malicious envy on travel intention and its internal mechanism.Specifically,destination attitude is the mediating variable between envy and travel intention,and narcissistic admiration is the moderating variable of envy on destination attitude.Moreover,for tourism enterprises,understanding the internal mechanism between envy induced by travel experience sharing on social media and travel intention is not only beneficial to make targeted use of social media platforms for product marketing,but also of vital prac-tical significance to cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.Based on two scenario-based surveys with total sample of 609 respondents,this study applies the ana-lyses of Structural Equation Modeling,mediation and moderation to investigate the effects of two types of envy on travel intention.The results show that:Benign envy is positively related to travel intention,while malicious envy has no direct effect on travel intention;Destination attitude partially mediates the relation-ship between benign envy and travel intention,while it completely mediates the relationship between mali-cious envy and travel intention;Narcissistic admiration negatively moderates the relationship between be-nign envy and destination attitude,while it positively moderates the relationship between malicious envy and destination attitude.There are four theoretical contributions in this paper.First,this study deepens the academic under-standing of how the content features generated by tourists affect destination attitude and travel intention of content recipients,providing a new perspective for tourists'emotion,cognition and behavior in the context of mobile Internet era.Second,this study focuses on the influence of two different types of envy on poten-tial tourists'purchase intention,which is an in-depth extension of the research topic of travel envy on social media.Third,in order to further explore the different effects of two types of envy on destination attitude of content recipients,this study introduces narcissistic admiration as a moderating variable,and further explains the important roles of related personality trait variables in the study of travel envy.Fourth,this study proves the compatibility of the balance theory and planned behavior theory.On the one hand,it ex-pands the application of balance theory in the field of tourism.On the other hand,it provides empirical evi-dence to strengthen the foundation of the connection between the balance theory and planned behavior theory.
作者 董彬彬 丁雨馨 吴问津 Dong Binbin;Ding Yuxin;Wu Wenjin(School of Management,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2023年第6期13-23,共11页 Tourism Forum
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“基于实物期权理论的景区经营权价值评估模型与方法研究”(71774135) 国家留学基金委项目“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生”(202106310059)共同资助。
关键词 善意嫉妒 恶意嫉妒 钦佩性自恋 目的地态度 旅游意愿 benign envy malicious envy narcissistic admiration destination attitude travel intention
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