针对泰州市雾霾天气下不同功能区域环境空气样品中二噁英类物质进行检测,结果表明:冬季雾霾周期内二噁英类物质毒性当量浓度范围为0.006~0.841 pgTEQ/m 3,不同功能区域的浓度高低为垃圾焚烧企业周边>工业区>商业交通居民混合区。二噁英类物质浓度先升高再降低,与环境空气中二氧化氮、二氧化硫的变化趋势相符。17种氯代二噁英单体浓度结果显示,环境空气样品中多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)浓度明显高于多氯代二苯并对二噁英(PCDDs)浓度,其中2,3,4,7,8-五氯代呋喃(2,3,4,7,8-PCDF)浓度最高。垃圾焚烧、燃煤等工业活动是该市环境空气中二噁英类物质的主要来源。
According to the determination of representative levels of dioxins in haze associated atmosphere at various functional zones in Taizhou,the results showed that:the toxic equivalent concentration of dioxins in ambient air during haze episodes ranged from 0.006 to 0.841 pgTEQ/m 3.The concentration in different functional zones was in the order of surrounding area of waste incineration enterprises>industrial areas>commercial traffic and residential mixed areas.The concentration of dioxins was consistent with the variation trend of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide,which raised at first then decreased afterwards.Due to the determination result of the monomer concentration of 17 chlorinated dioxins,Polychlorinated dibenzo furans(PCDFs)represented distinctly higher concentration levels than that of Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs)in the ambient air samples,furthermore the concentration of 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated furan(2,3,4,7,8-PCDF)was the highest among them all.Industrial activities such as waste incineration and coal burning are the main sources of dioxins in the city ambient air.
Yang Chen;Zhang Huanyan;Yang Wenwu(Shanghai Society of Environmental Sciences,Shanghai 200003,China;Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center,Shanghai 200030,China;Taizhou Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangsu Province,Taizhou 225300,China)
Environmental Science and Management