

Practical Problems and Optimization Directions of the Sino-Russian Co-building of"Ice Silk Road"
摘要 “冰上丝绸之路”作为中国参与北极治理的重要倡议,也是中俄北极合作的重要组成部分。但中俄两国在推进“冰上丝绸之路”的建设过程中也面临着特定的挑战与问题。首先,恶劣的自然环境和衰退的国力削弱了俄罗斯开发北方海航道的能力,而俄罗斯对华“二律背反”的心态也对中俄北极合作产生了负面影响。其次,中国在建设“冰上丝绸之路”过程中也在承担着来自西方反华舆论、中俄合作的分歧所带来的压力。为此,应从辩证看待中俄北极合作关系、建立参与北极事务的止损机制以及增强参与北极事务的战略战术设计等方面采取措施,对中俄共建“冰上丝绸之路”进程提供细节性优化,为促进北极地区的善治提供有效范本。 The“Ice Silk Road”is a key initiative for China's participation in the Arctic governance and an important part of Sino-Russian cooperation in the Arctic.However,China and Russia are facing some specific challenges and problems in the process of the co-building of the“Ice Silk Road”.First of all,Russia's ability to develop the Northern Sea Route is weakened by its harsh natural environment and decline of national strength.Secondly,the antinomies in Russia's attitude toward China has a negative impact on Sino-Russian cooperation in the Arctic.At the same time,China is also suffering the pressure from the western anti-China public opinion,disagreements between China and Russia in the process of co-building of the“Ice Silk Road”.In this regard,China should take measures including dialectically treating its cooperative relation with Russia,developing a stoploss mechanism for dealing with the Arctic affairs and enhancing the strategic and tactical plans of its participation in the Arctic affairs,so as to provide detailed optimization for the process of co-building the“Ice Silk Road”between China and Russia and to establish an effective model for achieving good governance in the Arctic region.
作者 吕海洋 LYU Hai-yang(School of International Affairs and Public Administration,Ocean University of China,Qingdao Shandong 266100,China)
出处 《江南社会学院学报》 2023年第3期52-58,80,共8页 Journal of Jiangnan Social University
基金 山东省泰山学者基金项目“立体外交背景下中国北极治理能力提升研究”(项目编号:TSQN20171204) 山东省高校青年创新计划“北极治理与外交研究创新团队项目”(项目编号:2020RWB006)的阶段性成果。
关键词 北方海航道 “冰上丝绸之路” 北极合作 中俄关系 the Northern Sea Route the Ice Silk Road the Arctic Cooperation Sino-Russia Relations
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