

Imagery Composition and Consciousness Formation:Exploring Imagery in Tibetan Paintings from the Perspective of Fostering a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
摘要 绘画是西藏重要的艺术形式,是西藏文化的重要组成部分。西藏绘画历史悠久,世代传承,迄今仍是西藏规模庞大的文化存在,成为各族群众思想情感的重要文化载体,深深融入并深刻影响着各族群众尤其是藏族群众的精神生活。本文通过对西藏传统绘画意象图谱进行历史梳理和深层分析,揭示出西藏传统绘画通过移宫换羽、连类比物等艺术手法,创造性地建构了大量内蕴中华文化特质而又独具西藏特色的鲜明意象,这些意象与祖国内地尤其是中原传统绘画意象存在着“同构共性”“类质同象”“同源共流”等内在联系,对西藏各族群众中华民族共同体意识的形成起到了潜移默化的重要作用,也为今天铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供了丰厚文化资源,值得深入挖掘,其内含的从意象建构到意识生成的艺术理路值得借鉴弘扬。 Painting holds a significant place in Tibetan art and is an integral aspect of Tibetan culture with a rich and enduring history.Passed down through generations,Tibetan painting remains a prominent cultural presence in Xizang,serving as a poignant carrier of emotions for people of diverse ethnic backgrounds.It is intricately woven into and deeply influences the cultural and ethical lives of individuals,particularly the Tibetan community.Through a comparative analysis of traditional Tibetan paintings from different historical periods,this article unveils the creative use of artistic techniques,including diverse imagery composition and analogy.These paintings skillfully weave together vibrant imagery that not only embodies Chinese cultural elements but also showcases distinct Tibetan characteristics.The interconnectedness of these images with traditional Chinese paintings,particularly those from the Central Plains,reveals patterns such as“isomorphism of universal property,”“isomorphism,”and“same origin and cooperated future development.”These subtle yet significant connections play a crucial role in shaping a sense of community for the Chinese nation for people of all ethnic groups in Xizang.The imageries presented in traditional Tibetan paintings provide a rich cultural resource for cultivating a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.Exploring these images and the artistic methods employed,including imagery composition and consciousness formation,offers valuable insights and lessons to be learned and preserved.
作者 刘洋 LIU Yang(Tibet University)
出处 《中华民族共同体研究》 2023年第6期105-117,M0007,M0008,共15页 Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies
基金 2022年度西藏自治区哲学社会科学专项资金项目“西藏壁画意象衍变与铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究”(22AMZ01)阶段性成果。
关键词 西藏绘画 意象建构 意识生成 中华民族共同体意识 民族交往交流交融 Tibetan painting imagery composition consciousness formation sense of community for Chinese nation ethnic exchanges,communication and integration
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