

Do Village Leaders"One Shoulder Multitasking"Improve Rural Residents'Life Satisfaction?Empirical Evidence from the Data of China Rural Revitalization Survey
摘要 基于村党组织书记和村委会主任由一人担任的“一肩挑”制度实践背景,本文利用中国乡村振兴调查数据库的数据,分析村级组织负责人“一肩挑”对农村居民生活满意度的影响。结果发现:“一肩挑”制度实施显著提升了农村居民生活满意度,但与其在探索期和倡导期的影响相比,这种提升效应在全面推进期有所下降;“一肩挑”制度实施可通过增强村庄集体行动能力、改善干群关系和壮大村庄经济等方式提升农村居民生活满意度。异质性分析表明:与村党组织书记为初中及以下、大专及以上学历的村庄相比,村党组织书记拥有高中及同等学力的村庄实施“一肩挑”制度更有利于提升农村居民生活满意度;与村党组织书记任职前的身份是农业生产经营大户、个体工商户和企业主、村“两委”干部的村庄相比,村党组织书记任职前的身份是退伍军人或政府干部的村庄实施“一肩挑”制度更有利于提升农村居民生活满意度;与特大型村庄相比,大型或中小型村庄实施“一肩挑”制度更有利于提升农村居民生活满意度;与东部地区村庄相比,中部和西部地区村庄实施“一肩挑”制度更有利于提升农村居民生活满意度。 Based on the practical background of the"One Shoulder Multitasking'system that the Party secretary and the head of the village committee are held by one person,the paper empirically analyzes the influence of the"One Shoulder Multi-task'system on the life satisfaction of rural residents by using the China Rural Revitalization Survey Database.The results show that the"One Shoulder Multitasking'system significantly improves the life satisfaction of rural residents,but compared with the"One Shoulder Multitasking'system in the exploration and advocacy period,this effect is weakened in the overall promotion period."One Shoulder Multitasking'enhances the village collective action ability,improves the relationship between cadres and the masses,and strengthens the village economy,thus enhancing the life satisfaction of residents.The heterogeneity analysis shows that compared with junior high school or below and college or above,in villages where the village Party secretary has a high school or equivalent education,the"One Shoulder Multitasking"is more able to improve the life satisfaction of rural residents.Compared with the villages where the status of the village Party secretary before taking office is large agricultural producers and operators,individual industrial and commercial enterprises and business owners,and"two committee cadres",in the villages where the status of the village Party secretary before taking office is a veteran or a govermment official,"One Shoulder Multitasking'is more able to improve the life satisfaction of rural residents.In addition,compared with extra-large villages,the implementation ofOne Shoulder Multitasking"in large or small and medium-sized villages is more able to improve the life satisfaction of rural residents.Also,compared with easterm rural areas,the implementation of"One Shoulder Multitasking"in the central and western rural areas is more able to enhance the life satisfaction of rural residents.
作者 杨义武 芦千文 YANG Yiwu;LU Qianwen
出处 《中国农村观察》 北大核心 2024年第1期161-183,共23页 China Rural Survey
基金 中国社会科学院重大经济社会调查项目“乡村振兴综合调查及中国农村调查数据库项目”(编号:GQDC2022020)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “一肩挑” 生活满意度 乡村治理 和美乡村 农村现代化 "One Shoulder Multitasking' Life Satisfaction Rural Governance A Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside Rural Modernization
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