

The Enlightenment of Finland’s Vocational-Education Legislation on the Integrative Development of China’s Vocational and General Education
摘要 芬兰的义务教育年龄延长到18岁,职业教育贯通,设立了提供学士和硕士教育的应用科学大学。芬兰职普教育双轨融通、互补互促的相关立法保障了芬兰经济社会所需的高素质、高技能人才的供给。为了尽快实现我国职普教育的融通发展,建议完善我国高等职业教育的相关立法;推进我国国家资历框架创设的步伐;在促进职普教育特色发展的同时,加强职普高中知识互渗,给予学生更多在双轨教育体系下的流动性,提高他们终身学习和就业能力。 Finland's education system is very mature with dual track and integrated development of vocational education and general education.The compulsory-education age in the country has been extended to 18 years old.There is no dead end within its vocational education system where universities of applied science have been set up to provide bachelor and master education.The relevant legislation of Finland's dual-track education system and the promotion of the complementary and coordinative development of vocational education and general education ensures the supply of high-quality and highly-skilled talents required by the Finnish economy and society.In order to achieve the linkup of vocational education at each level with general education in China as soon as possible,the suggestions are proposed as follows:improving China’s legislation related to higher vocational education,speeding the establishment of China's national qualification framework and in the course of fostering the distinctive development of vocational education,strengthening the mutual infiltration of knowledge between vocational and general high schools,and providing students with more mobility under the dual track education system to help them acquire the ability of lifelong learning and of quick entering the working world from school.
作者 王楠 Wang Nan
出处 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2024年第1期121-127,共7页 Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学国家重大课题“职业教育类型特征及其与普通教育双轨制、双通制体系构建研究(主持人:孙善学)”的阶段性研究成果,项目编号:VJA200003。
关键词 芬兰 职普教育融通 职业教育培训立法 Finland the integration of vocational education and general education Vocational-Education Legislation
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