

Diplomatic Uproar Surrounding a Japanese Monk's Plan to Build a Buddhist Temple in Xiamen(1934-1937)
摘要 1934年11月,东本愿寺僧人神田惠云准备在厦门名胜白鹿洞山下达观园建立寺院并申请减免契税,由此引发长达三年之久的交涉。达观园建寺交涉是厦门近代以来饱受日本宗教侵略历史的缩影,它不是单纯的东本愿寺建造新寺,而是牵涉日本对厦门的宗教侵略及国土沦丧问题,因此毫不意外地遭到厦门民众的强烈反对以及官方的抵制。厦门社会舆论指出了建寺中的宗教侵略与“籍民”利用永租权侵占国土两大问题。厦门市政府、福建省政府发现达观园永租权以及园内坟地产权存在瑕疵,外交部也以日僧传教无论是否在通商口岸皆向所不准,要求严厉拒绝,但是在日本外交干预下,中方放弃原有立场,转而同意设寺、可向在华日人传教。由于达观园内坟地产权纠纷以及土地契据未能通过核验等因素,直到1938年5月厦门沦陷,日僧并未获得达观园的永租权,也未能如愿在此建成东本愿寺。东本愿寺建寺交涉,牵涉政治与外交、宗教与“籍民”以及社会舆论等多重复杂面相,是长期以来日本对厦门侵略以及渗透的结果。 In November 1934,Kanda Eun,a Buddhist monk of Higashi Honganji temple,made plans to construct a temple in Daguanyuan at the foot of the Bailudong Mountain in Xiamen.As part of the plan,he applied for a reduction in deed tax,which triggered a three-year negotiations between the Chinese and the Japanese.This uproar shed light on the history of Japanese religious aggression in Xiamen since the modern era.Its significance extended beyond the disputed temple building plan,encompassing broader issues such as Japanese religious aggression and its territorial encroachment in Xiamen.Consequently,it faced strong opposition from the local residents of Xiamen and was boycotted by the local government.Public opinion in Xiamen at the time focused on two issues surounding the temple building plan:one was the issue of religious aggression,and the other was the permanent land lease by"Taiwan Residents with Japanese nationalities."The Xiamen Municipal and Fujian Provincial governments found the permanent lease right of Daguanyuan,particularly the property right of a graveyard there,to be legally flawed.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also ordered the Xiamen and Fujian governments to reject Kanda Eun's application on the basis that Japanese monks were not allowed to spread Buddhism in China.However,the Chinese side later succumbed to diplomatic pressure from Japan,granting approval for the temple building plan and allowing spreading Buddhism to the Japanese in China.But the Japanese monk was never granted the permanent lease right of Daguanyuan due to a property rights dispute involving a graveyard there and the unverified land deed tax receipt.Consequently,the temple building plan was never implemented.Nevertheless,the negotiations over the temple building plan involved a complex interplay of factors,including politics,diplomacy,religion,"Taiwan Residents with Japanese nationalities,"and public opinion.It represented the Chinese response to the long-standing aggression and infiltration of Xiamen by the Japanese.
作者 付海晏 Fu Haiyan
出处 《近代史研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期98-111,M0005,共15页 Modern Chinese History Studies
基金 教育部重点研究基地重大课题(17JD77006)的中期成果。
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