

Strong Will and Life Spiral:On the Seniors and Children in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea
摘要 尼采的哲学思想对海明威影响巨大《,老人与海》即体现了生命强力意志的流动性与创造性。曼诺林这个海明威后来加入的人物极有可能是该作品成为经典的关键所在,他绝非“陪衬人”,而是“拱顶石”。老人和孩子没有血缘关系,这恰好体现了他们精神上的依存性与创生性,甚至隐喻了人类存在的普遍状况。从人类行为动机的角度审视,老人出海与查拉图斯特拉下山一样,都是为了去完成丰盈强健生命的向外“馈赠”:创造高于自己之物。老人的所有行动最终都指向孩子,在充分享受了海上酒神狂欢般的生命强力体验之后,他生命的最终目标是去诞生超人。大鱼的长吻是老人此次出海的唯一猎获物,作为礼物被送给了孩子,它象征着“老人—孩子”这一生命共同体内部最重要的连接方式——汹涌奔腾的生命强力意志——解锁生命孤独存在之旅的唯一钥匙。 Nietzsche's philosophy has a great influence on Hemingway,and The Old Man and the Sea embodies the fluidity and creativity of the strong will of life.Manolin,a figure Hemingway later added,is probably the key to making this work a classic.He is not a “foil” but a “keystone”.Old people and children are not related by blood,which just reflects their spiritual dependence and creativity,and even the metaphors for the universal situation of human existence.From the perspective of human behavior motivation,the old man goes out to sea,just like Zarathustra going down the mountain,in order to complete the outward "gift" of a rich and strong life:to create something higher than himself.All the actions of the old man eventually point to the children.After fully enjoying the carnival-like life experience of Dionysus,the sea god,his ultimate goal in life is to give birth to Superman.The long kiss of the big fish is the only catch of the old man's trip to sea,and it was given to the child as a gift.It symbolizes the most important connection mode in the life community of “seniors-children” ——the surging strong will of life——the only key to unlock the journey of lonely existence inhumanlives.
作者 戴春雷 DAI Chunlei
出处 《闽南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第4期101-109,共9页 Journal of Minnan Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金一般项目(21BWW016)。
关键词 海明威 陪衬人物 强力意志 生命共同体 “老人—孩子” Hemingway a foil character strong will community of life seniors-children
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