

Construction of the Classification System for International Chinese Education
摘要 国际中文教育类型是指全球视野下较为稳定的中文教育形态,其分类体系的构建是对世界各类中文教育形态特质的归纳、定位和系统化。教育部发布的《研究生教育学科专业目录(2022年)》将“国际中文教育”作为教育学门类下的专业学位类别独立设置,对本学科提出了新的研究课题。其类型体系不仅是学科理论体系的基石,还可为全球中文教育发展顶层设计提供理论依据。基于对全球中文教育形态的全面考察,本文拟从空间、场域、教育目的、教育性质、习得顺序、语言地位、技术应用、教学法等视角构建其类型体系,纵向逐层细化分类,横向厘清平行与交叉融合等关系。由于国际中文教育处于不断发展变化之中,其类型体系具有开放性和动态发展性,本文构建了以3个主干层次14种主干类型和若干种基本类型为框架的“3+N”国际中文教育类型体系,并对其内涵、体系构建思路和视角进行了阐释,提出国际中文教育类型划分不能仅依据国外第二语言教育理论,或纯粹依靠理性思辨,而应从各国中文教育事实出发,以实际案例为支撑进行类型划分。 The classification system for international Chinese education refers to a relatively stable form of Chinese education from a global perspective. Its construction involves the summarization, positioning, and systematization of the characteristics of various types of Chinese educational forms around the world. In the Classification of Instructional Programs for Graduate Education ( 2022 ) by the Ministry of Education, “International Chinese Education” is independently categorized as a professional degree under the field of education, proposing new research topics for this discipline. The classification system not only serves as the foundation of the discipline’s theoretical system, but also provides a theoretical basis for the top-level design of global Chinese education development. Based on a comprehensive investigation of Chinese educational forms worldwide, this paper intends to construct the classification system from the perspectives of spatial distribution, educational settings, educational objectives, educational nature, acquisition sequence, language status, technological applications, and teaching methods. It vertically refines the classification system layer by layer and horizontally clarifies the relationships between parallel and cross-fusion. Due to the continuous development and changes in international Chinese education, the classification system possesses openness and dynamic characteristics. This paper constructs a “3+N” classification system for international Chinese education, which consists of 3 main levels, 14 main types, and several basic types, providing a framework. This paper also elaborates on the connotations, construction ideas, and perspectives of the classification system and proposes that the classification of international Chinese education should not solely rely on foreign theories of second language education or purely on rational speculation. Instead, it should be based on the facts of Chinese education in each country and supported by practical cases for classification purposes.
作者 刘帅奇 吴应辉 Liu Shuaiqi;Wu Yinghui
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期145-153,206,207,共11页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金2017年度重大招标项目“汉语国际传播动态数据库建设及发展监测研究”(17ZDA306)的研究成果。
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