
创造人工人是否合乎道德? 被引量:1

Is It Ethical to Create Artificial People?
摘要 谁有资格按下创造人工人的按钮?这不仅关涉到人工人是否有资格获得道德主体身份,也关涉到人类赋予人工人某些目的或需求是否道德。事关道德主体,托伦斯和布赖森主张伦理身份的有机体观点,机器人本质上是人工物,不可能成为道德主体。彼德森针锋相对地反驳,人工人完全有资格成为道德主体,尤其是人工人i。人类为具有道德主体身份的人工人设计基础欲望和生存目的,沃克认为这是新型的奴隶制,彼德森则认为并不存在奴役。意欲辩明创造人工人是否合乎道德,首先要分析人工人具有道德主体身份的可能性,然后厘定人工人奴役与否的核心要件——自主性。最后,人工人有尊严存活于未来世界的图景将被清晰揭示:设计人工人i的行为应该被禁止,因为设计与尊重其自主性不能兼容;金属橡胶机器人获得道德主体身份的可能性,皆依赖于其心灵觉醒;对机器人而言,其存活于世的尊严注定摇摆于被设计与另寻之间。 Who is eligible to press the button to create an artificial people?This is not only about whether artificial people are eligible for moral subject i-dentity,but also about whether humans endow artificial peoples with certain purposes or needs.In the debate on moral subject identity,Torrance and Bry-son advocate the Organic view of ethical status:robots are essentially artifacts and tools,and they cannot be moral subjects.Peterson put forward a clear objection to Torrance's argument:artificial peoples are fully qualified to be moral subjects,especially artificial people i.Humans design basic desires and survival purposes for artificial peoples with the identity of moral subjects.Walker sees this as the new type of slavery.But Peterson argues that slavery does not exist in this case.In order to answer the question of whether it is ethical to create artificial peoples,this article first analyzes the possibility that artifi-cial people have the identity of moral subjects,and then demonstrate that autonomy is the core requirement for artificial peoples to be enslaved or not.Fi-nally,this article reveals a future picture of human workers living in dignity:it should be ethically forbidden for anyone to design artificial people i for any purpose,as designing artificial peoples is incompatible with respecting their autonomy;for robots made of metal-rubber,the necessary condition for them to obtain the identity of moral subject is that their minds have been awakened;for robots,their dignity is destined to oscillate between being designed and seeking.
作者 刘振 LIU Zhen(School of Medical Humanities,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期87-93,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中医药文化国际传播认同体系研究”(18ZDA322) 江苏省社会科学基金青年项目“医疗人工智能的伦理风险及应对策略研究”(21ZXC003) 高水平大学建设项目开放课题“医学哲学前沿问题研究”(2022ZYWH006)。
关键词 人工人 道德主体 奴役论证 心灵觉醒 设计与另寻 artificial people moral subject slavery argument awakening of mind being designed and seeking
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