

Investing in the Future in Response to Crises——An Analysis of and the Enlightenment from Global Policies for Education Finance in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
摘要 新型冠状病毒感染疫情所引发的健康和经济危机,加重了之前业已存在的全球教育危机。联合国及相关发展机构一直站在抗击新型冠状病毒感染疫情和全球治理的前沿,倡导将教育恢复作为摆脱新型冠状病毒感染疫情、实现经济复苏的关键对策,呼吁所有国家及合作伙伴为人类和地球的未来而投资于教育。然而,许多发展中国家尚未将教育列入财政支持优先事项,公共教育支出在政府预算中的份额下降,教育在应对危机的财政措施中没有受到重视,教育援助在官方发展援助总额中的占比下降。新型冠状病毒感染疫情期间,我国在经济下行压力加大、财政收支矛盾突出的情况下,仍然强调对教育的财政投入“只增不减”。在后疫情时代,我国加快建设教育强国,有必要参考借鉴国际社会关于教育发展的先进理念与政策倡议,坚持教育优先发展,创新教育融资机制,公平合理分配教育经费,提供国际教育公共产品,为全球教育发展贡献中国力量。 The health and economic crises triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the pre-existing global crises in education and budgeting.The United Nations and development agencies have always stood in the forefront of both the fight against the pandemic and global governance,advocating education as a key response to recovery from the pandemic and the weakened economy,and calling on all countries and partners to invest in education for the future of people and the earth.However,many developing countries failed to include education in national financial support priorities,the share of public spending on education in government budgets declined,education was not emphasized in the fiscal response to the crises,and the aid to education as a share of the total Official Development Assistance(ODA)declined.During the pandemic,China faced more downward pressure on the economy and apparent contradictions between fiscal revenue and expenditure,but it still emphasized"increasing instead of deceasing"financial investment in education.In the post-epidemic era,when China is accelerating the building of a powerful country in education,it needs to draw on international communities'advanced concepts and policy initiatives on educational development,give first priority to the development of education,promote digital education,create new mechanisms for the financing of education,allocate education funds fairly and reasonably,provide public goods for international education,and contribute China's strength to the development of global education.
作者 王建 Wang Jian(Research Center for Education Finance,China National Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100088)
出处 《教育研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期147-159,共13页 Educational Research
关键词 新型冠状病毒感染疫情 国际组织 教育财政 融资机制 the COVID-19 pandemic international organization education finance financing mechanism
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