

Efficacy observation of acupoint injection on hyperemesis gravidarum
摘要 目的:观察穴位注射治疗妊娠剧吐的临床疗效。方法:选取符合纳入标准的妊娠剧吐患者50例作为研究对象,随机分为两组各25人。对照组予常规补液及维生素B1注射液肌肉注射治疗,治疗组接受常规补液治疗并予穴位注射治疗,一周后比较两组患者的24h呕吐次数、尿酮体水平以及治疗总有效率。结果:治疗组总有效率96.00%明显高于对照组的88.00%,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组尿酮体转阴率为90.00%,对照组为56.00%,两组尿酮体转阴率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组24h呕吐次数明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:穴位注射治疗妊娠剧吐疗效较好。 Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of acupoint injection on hyperemesis gravidarum.Methods:50 cases of eligible patients with hyperemesis gravidarum were selected as researched objects and randomly divided into two groups,25 cases in each group.The control group was treated with routine fluid infusion and intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 injection,while the treatment group was treated with routine fluid infusion and acupoint injection.After one week,24-hour vomiting times,urine ketone body level and total effective rate of treatment of patients were compared between two groups.Results:The total effective rate of treatment group was 96.00%,which was significantly higher than 88.00%of control group,and the comparative difference between two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The negative conversion rate of urine ketone body of treatment group was 90.00%,while that of control group was 56.00%,and the difference was statistically significant compared the negative conversion rate between two groups(P<0.05).24-hour vomiting times of treatment group was significantly less than that of control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The clinical efficacy of acupoint injection on hyperemesis gravidarum is better.
作者 周瑞 殷红梅 刘春丽 ZHOU Rui;YIN Hong-mei;LIU Chun-li(Nanjing Lishui District's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 211200,China;不详)
出处 《山西中医》 2024年第3期34-35,共2页 Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 妊娠剧吐 穴位注射 针灸疗法 hyperemesis gravidarum acupoint injection therapy of acupuncture
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