

Negative velocity and advanced waves in electromagnetism
摘要 波动是物质运动的特殊形式,波动力学具有独特的内容、方法和意义,其概念和内涵都和经典力学有重大区别。例如,波速度(无论相速或群速)都是标量,“负波速”并不表示运动方向反了过来,而是一种从表面上看与因果性不相符的特殊现象。无论如何,最近几十年的研究已证明,负波速不仅在理论上可行,在实验中也多次证明其存在。而且,负波速是超光速的一种特殊形态。……本文指出,具有负波速的波动是超前波。它对应电磁场与电磁波基本方程的超前解;过去的做法是抛弃超前解,这是不合适的!关于超前波,虽然早就有这一概念,但从未有人明确指出这个波是真实存在的。本文认为已有的许多负群速实验正是超前波存在的证明。有人用“违反因果律”作为理由,说超前波不可能存在。但是,中国科学家已经对因果性作了更深刻、更全面的解释,这对波动力学和量子光学都是重要的贡献。众所周知,在量子力学中经典的因果律已丧失其合理性和至高无上的地位。2022年的Nobel物理学奖被授予Alain Aspect等3人是很不平常的,因为Aspect的关于Bell不等式的实验完成于1982年,今天来看它仍然是一个证明Einstein的EPR论文错了、而量子力学正确的关键性实验。2022年对Aspect的授奖表明,主流物理学界已不得不承认量子纠缠确实存在,而狭义相对论中的“光速极限论”是一种错误的理论。本文深刻地阐明了负波速与超光速的关系。2013年本文作者提出“电磁波负性运动”这一概念,指出它不仅包含三方面的内容——负波速、负折射、负GH位移;甚至扩展到负物理参数(ε<0、μ<0)的研究。这是过去的电磁理论中前所未有的概括和总结,对未来的科学发展有重要意义。本文指出,电磁波负性运动是自然界固有的一种反映对称性的物理现象。另外,对天线的近区场,文章作了深刻分析和阐述,指出天线近场区就有负速度和超前波现象,这应引起重视。本文创造性地把消失场理论和消失波理论引入到天线近场的分析中,这在过去无人做过。此外,论文对Einstein的负速度理论作了批评;对Sommerfeld-Brillouin的经典波速理论作批判性的继承,指出其不足之处。最后,本文对时间旅行有新的见解,指出其在经典理论中的不可实现性,以及在量子理论中的价值和意义。 Wave is a special form of material motion,wave mechanics has unique content,methods and meanings,and its concept and connotation are significantly different from classical mechanics.For example,wave velocity(whether phase velocity or group velocity)is scalar,"negative wave velocity"does not mean that the direction of motion is reversed,but a special phenomenon that is not consistent with causality from the surface.In any case,research in recent decades has shown that negative wave velocity is not only theoretically possible,it has also been repeatedly demonstrated experimentally.Moreover,negative wave velocity is a special form of faster-than-light speed.In this paper it is pointed out that a wave with a negative wave speed is advanced wave.It corresponds to the advanced solution of the electromagnetic field and the basic equation of electromagnetic wave.The past practice is to abandon the advanced solution,which is not appropriate!As for the advanced wave,although the concept has long existed,it has never been clearly shown that the wave is real.In this paper,many experiments with negative group velocity(NGV)have been done to prove the existence of advanced waves.Some people use"violation of the law of causality"as a reason to say that the existence of advanced waves is impossible.However Chinese scientists have made a deeper and more comprehensive explanation of causality,which is an important contribution to both wave mechanics and quantum optics.As we all know,the classical law of causality has lost its rationality and supremacy in quantum mechanics.It is unusual for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022 to be awarded to Alain Aspect and two others,Because Aspect's experiment on the Bell inequality,completed in 1982,is still a key experiment that proved Einstein's EPR paper wrong and quantum mechanics correct.The 2022 award to Aspect shows that mainstream physics has been forced to accept that quantum entanglement does exist and that the"speed of light limit"theory of special relativity is a false theory.In this paper the relationship between negative wave velocity and faster-than-light speed is profoundly elucidated.In 2013,the author of this paper put forward the concept of"negative characteristic motion of electromagnetic wave",pointing out that it contains not only three aspects—negative wave velocity,negative refraction,negative GH displacement;it even extends to the study of negative physical parameters(ε<0,µ<0).This is an unprecedented generalization and summary in the electromagnetic theory of the past,and has important significance for future scientific development.In this paper it is pointed out that the negative characteristic motion of electromagnetic wave is an inherent physical phenomenon reflecting symmetry in nature.In addition,the near field of antenna is deeply analyzed and expounded.It is pointed out that there are negative velocity and advanced wave phenomena in the near field of antenna,which should be paid more attention to it.In this paper,evanescent field theory and evanescent wave theory are creatively introduced into the analysis of antenna near field,which has not been done in the past.In addition,in the paper Einstein's negative velocity theory is criticized;Sommerfeld-Brillouin's classical wave velocity theory is critically inherited and its shortcomings is pointed out.Finally,in this paper a new insight into time travel is given,its unrealizability in classical theory and its value and significance in quantum theory being pointed out.
作者 黄志洵 HUANG Zhixun(School of Information and Communication Engineering,Communication University of China,Beijing 100024,China)
出处 《中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第6期64-76,共13页 Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology
关键词 负波速 超前波 超光速 近区场 因果性 时间旅行 negative wave velocity advanced waves faster-than-light(superluminal) field of nearregion causality time travel
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