

On Wu Shi's Poems
摘要 吴栻字敬亭,青海省海东市乐都区碾伯镇人,乾隆四十二年(1777年)举人,毕生奔走于河湟、河西走廊和宁夏等地,教过书,做过幕宾,身世坎坷。嘉庆八年(1803年)病逝于家中,享年64岁。吴栻存世的诗文内容丰富、数量巨大,在历代河湟文人中独占鳌头,其诗赋在中举后就有刻本、抄本流行于世,得到世人的广泛赞誉,是几千年封建社会中青海省境内唯一一位诗作入选全国性诗集的诗人。吴栻创作中最突出的是他的律诗,其诗文风清拔,音韵和谐,风格清丽,语言明畅,用典贴切,无堆砌之弊。善于刻画周围景物,写景细致入微,反映了河湟的社会生活、人文环境。因仕途无望而寄情山水,钟情于诗作,归宿于释、道、儒,力求获得精神上的解脱和超越。吴栻的诗作中,最重要、最具代表性的是他的排律诗。吴栻写排律诗的初衷是希望他的学生以此为范,抓住排律诗的要点,长期操练,能在以后的科举考试中脱颖而出。吴栻排律诗的数量、质量在河湟,甚至在整个明、清历史上也很罕见。在青海的历史文化长河中,吴栻是河湟人的骄傲,其诗歌是河湟文学中的一座丰碑。 Wu Shizi Jingting,a native of Nianbo Town,Ledu District,Haidong City,Qinghai Province,was elected in the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign.He spent his life in Hehuang,Hexi Corridor,Ningxia and other places,teaching and acting as a curtain guest.His life experience was rough.In the eighth year of Jiaqing,he passed away at home at the age of 64.Wu Shi's poetry and prose are rich in content and vast in quantity,ranking first among the literati of Hehuang in previous dynasties.His poetry and prose became popular in printed and copied versions after the imperial examination,earning widespread praise from the world.He is the only poet in the feudal society of Qinghai Province who has been selected for national poetry collections for thousands of years.The most prominent aspect of Wu Shi's creation is his rhythmic poetry,which has a clear and elegant style,harmonious sound and rhyme,clear and beautiful style,clear language,appropriate allusions,and no stacking of drawbacks.Proficient in depicting the surrounding scenery,with meticulous and meticulous depiction,reflecting the social life and cultural environment of Hehuang.Due to the lack of hope in his official career,he expresses his love for mountains and rivers,falls in love with poetry,and belongs to Buddhism,Taoism,and Confucianism,striving to achieve spiritual liberation and transcendence.The most important and representative of Wu Shi's poetry is his rhythmic poetry.Wu Shi's original intention in writing rhythmic poetry was to hope that his students could use this as a model,grasp the key points of rhythmic poetry,practice it for a long time,and stand out in future imperial examinations.The quantity and quality of Wu Shi's rhythmic poetry are unparalleled in Hehuang and even throughout the entire history of the Ming and Qing dynasties.The emergence of Wu Shi is the pride of the Hehuang people,and in the long history and culture of Qinghai,Wu Shi is a monument.
作者 陈良煜 Chen Liangyu
出处 《高原文化研究》 2023年第4期105-116,共12页 Plateau Culture Research
关键词 吴栻 诗作 排律 Wu Shi poetry rhythm arrangement
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