

Modern New State-owned Enterprises for Accelerating Newquality Productivity:Connotation,Traits,Functional Goal and Building Paths
摘要 推进新一轮国企改革深化提升,要以提高国有企业核心竞争力和增强核心功能为重点,以打造现代新国企为目标,提升国企自主创新能力和产业牵引能力,加快形成和发展新质生产力。回顾了新国企与现代新国企的内涵及演变,分析了现代新国企的特征、功能与目标,进一步提出了通过打造现代新国企加快形成新质生产力的政策建议。研究认为,打造现代新国企是在改革开放以来新国企建设理论与实践基础上对国企改革提出的更高标准和要求,是建设现代化产业体系、实现高质量发展的必然选择,也是新时代国有企业更好承担其使命和任务的主动作为与必然追求。现代新国企是不同于传统国有企业的新型国有企业,是与新质生产力相适应的新型生产关系和符合新发展理念要求的现代化先进组织。其特点是不仅能与社会主义市场经济有机融合,成为合格的市场主体和充满生机活力的创新主体,还能通过与其他所有制企业的公平竞争、深度合作、互利共赢,共建现代化产业体系,发展新质生产力,支撑引领中国式现代化和高质量发展。 The key to promoting the deepening and upgrading of the new round of state-owned enterprises(SOEs)reform is to focus on improving the core competitiveness and enhancing core functions of SOEs,making more significant efforts to build modern new SOEs,strengthening the indigenous innovation capabilities and industrial leading capabilities of SOEs,and accelerating the formation and development of new quality productivity.This study critically reviews the connotation and evolution from new SOEs to modern new SOEs,then obtains text data about new SOEs in the past ten years from the official website of SASAC and other public platforms about SOEs through big data and text-based machine learning technology,analyzes the characteristics of new SOEs by using the word frequency analysis method,and presents the characteristics of new SOEs visually,and finally summarizes and refines the core functions and objectives of new SOEs with the following research conclusions are as follows:First,the six keywords of the new SOEs are:"scientific and technological innovation""system construction""operation mechanism""industrial layout""state-owned enterprises""stateowned enterprises"and"state-owned enterprises".This indicates that the new SOEs are based on the principle of"scientific and technological innovation""system construction""operation mechanism""industrial layout""governance of SOEs"and"open development".This shows that the new SOEs are driven by innovation,integrate institutional innovation into all aspects of corporate governance,have market-oriented business mechanisms,and have good strategic management capabilities.The industrial layout of the new SOEs is biased towards essential industries and critical fields related to national security and the lifelines of the national economy,as well as the fields of safeguarding people's livelihood,serving society,and providing public products and services,focusing on strategic emerging industries and key core technology"choke point"fields,and giving full play to the organizational dynamism of other types of enterprises,with the effect of innovation and platform agglomeration,as well as being oriented towards"innovation."The new SOEs are focused on strategic emerging industries and key core technology"necklace"areas,can exert organizational mobility on other types of enterprises,have innovation platform agglomeration effect,and are"internationalized"innovative enterprises facing the world.Second,the new SOEs have shown new ways of development,enterprise systems,operation mechanisms,and layout structure:they have perfected the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics,with further clarification of property rights,responsibilities and rights,more scientific management,and more standardized corporate governance;they have gradually established a market-oriented operation mechanism,and they have more equal access to and use of factors of production and participate in the market competition on a fairer basis with enterprises of other ownership systems;they have a strategic supporting role in national and regional development;and they are also international and innovative enterprises facing the world.They should also provide strategic support for national and regional development,increasing the ability to fulfill social responsibility and further optimization of layout and structure,significantly enhancing scientific and technological innovation capability,and giving full play to their role as the leading force in promoting green and low-carbon development.Third,combined with the development goal of Chinese-style modernization,new SOEs'core functions and goals should be based on classified reform,assessment,and supervision.New SOEs in the commercial categoryⅠhave economic and innovative functions;new SOEs in the commercial categoryⅡhave strategic security functions,industry-leading functions,and innovative functions;new SOEs in the public welfare category have social functions,and all types of new SOEs should have green functions.The study believes that building a modern new state-owned enterprise is a higher standard and requirement for reforming state-owned enterprises based on the theory and practice of new state-owned enterprise construction since the reform and opening up.It is an inevitable choice for building a modern industrial system and achieving high-quality development.Modern new state-owned enterprises are new types of state-owned enterprises that are different from traditional state-owned enterprises.They are new production relations and modern advanced organizations compatible with new productive forces.Its characteristic is that it can not only be organically integrated with the socialist market economy and become a qualified market subject and a vibrant,innovative subject but also work with other ownership enterprises to build a modern industrial system and cultivate mutual benefits through fair competition and in-depth cooperation.New quality productivity supports and leads Chinese-style modernization and high-quality development.
作者 李政 周希禛 尹西明 Li Zheng;Zhou Xizhen;Yin Ximing(School of Economics,Liaoning University,Shenyang 110136,China;Xiangjiang Research Institute,Chang‐sha 410018,China;School of Management and Economics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2024年第2期1-13,共13页 Innovation science and technology
基金 教育部重点研究基地重大项目“国有企业引领高水平科技自立自强研究”(22JJD790025) 国家社科基金重点项目“新时代以创新为引领增强国有经济‘五力’研究”(22AZD032) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“多层次系统视角下中国高校学术创业与成果转化促进机制研究”(72104027) 中石油集团发展战略与科技基础工作决策支持研究项目“国有企业科技创新制度及其演化理论研究”(2023DQ0110)。
关键词 传统国企 新国企 现代新国企 中国式现代化 新质生产力 traditional state-owned enterprises new state-owned enterprises modern new state-owned enterprises Chinese-style modernization new-quality productivity
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