印度尼西亚计划从2024年起逐步将首都由雅加达迁至婆罗洲岛的东加里曼丹省。婆罗洲岛因丰富的生物多样性和庞大的热带雨林生态系统而闻名。2019年,在新首都核心政府区的设计竞赛中,Urban+设计事务所的“城市-森林-岛屿”(Nagara Rimba Nusa)方案胜出,其理念是建造一座可以体现印度尼西亚本地文化和森林智慧的城市。方案围绕森林生态系统展开设计,呈现了城市形成的过程,同时应用响应式设计,营建自然启发式建筑,将城市规划和自然保护相结合,创造全新的工作、生活、交通和文化体验。本文介绍了项目如何在景观都市主义的指导下,提出一种新的城市形态——这种城市环境和森林景观相互交织的有机体,展示了不同尺度下城市绿色开放空间设计和城市森林恢复与管理规划。项目还提出,为实现城市与自然的共生,新首都应以绿色生态廊道为规划基础,通过反映热带雨林元素的亲生物和仿生学设计,基于城市发展绩效对规划与设计进行指导和把控。项目基于场地现状提出了“10分钟城市”的紧凑型城市规划概念,计划建立以步行、骑行和公共交通为主的绿色交通体系。在新首都核心政府区的设计策略中,景观都市主义成为发展的动力和思维方式,用以理解并将城市形态嵌入婆罗洲的森林生态系统。通过上述新视角和设计手段,“城市-森林-岛屿”方案构想出了一个适应森林环境的理想城市。
The capital of Indonesia is planned to be relocated to East Kalimantan,Borneo Island starting 2024.Borneo Island is treasured for its vast biodiversity and enormous rainforest ecosystem.Entitled"Nagara Rimba Nusa,"the design of the core area of the new capital city Ibu Kota Nusantara,brought the idea of building a city with the wisdom of Indonesian Culture and Forests.Taking forest ecosystem as the foundation and core,the design approach reflects urban forming process,responsive design,and nature-inspired architecture.This article strives to unfold the design principles and inventions dealing with the complex interlaced relations between the city and the forest,which reflect the ideas and literature of landscape urbanism.Landscape urbanism is portrayed as a development agent and a way of thinking in the design strategies for Kawasan Inti Pusat Pemerintahan(KiPP),to embed the urban form into Borneo's forest ecosystem.Through this perspective and innovative design approaches,Nagara Rimba Nusa creates an ideal city that fits in the context of forest environment.
Diana ZERLINA;Yasmina AZRIANI(Urban+Institute,Jakarta Barat 11470,Indonesia)
Landscape Architecture Frontiers
IKN’s ongoing project by Urban+,which has been started since 2019。