
全球能源治理变革与中国的战略选择 被引量:2

Global Energy Governance Transformation and China's Strategic Choice
摘要 当前全球能源治理困境主要表现为个体的能源贫困远未消除、国家间能源安全困局犹存以及全球气候危机日趋严峻。就压力来源而言,当前能源环境危机反映了人类日益增长的能源需求与各国能源不平衡不充分发展之间的矛盾。就能源与环境系统状况而言,国际社会正面临着发展赤字、安全赤字以及治理赤字不断加剧的问题。就行为响应而言,不管是个体、国家乃至国际社会都难以有效应对全球能源治理困境。国际社会亟须明确全球能源治理目标的轻重缓急,确保国家拥有稳定的能源供应是基础性目标,个体享有可负担的能源服务是发展性目标,全球具有可持续的环境是长期性目标。作为全球能源治理的积极参与者,中国致力于推动各国能源基础设施互联互通,促进多边能源合作机制建设,倡导包容性能源安全理念。这既能维护全球能源体系的稳定,同时有助于中国确立负责任的全球大国地位。 The solution to global energy and climate crisis requires global action and cooperation.The current dilemma of global energy governance is mainly manifested in the fact that individual energy poverty is far from eliminated,the energy security dilemma between countries stll exists,and the global climate crisis is increasingly severe.Studies have concluded that the global energy governance system is in urgent need of change,but there are still divergent opinions on how to restructure it.All parties believe that China's active participation is indispensable for global energy governance,but there is no consensus on what role China should play during the process.Thus,the core question discussed in this paper is how the global energy governance system should be restructured to tackle the energy and environmental challenges,and what strategic choices should China make during this process?To this end,this paper introduces the pressure-state-response(PSR)model as a theoretical analysis framework for global energy governance.It might reflect the contradiction between the growing energy demand of mankind and the unbalanced and inadequate development of energy in various countries from the perspective of pressure dimension.As a result,there are increasing deficits in development,security and governance related to energy and environmental issues for the international community to fulfill the obligation.In terms of responses,neither individuals,countries nor the international community could respond effectively.In order to solve the energy governance dilemma,this paper proposes a global energy governance initiative based on the hierarchy of human needs theory.It proposes that enhancing national energy supply should be the fundamental goal of global energy governance,that providing consumers with affordable energy service be a developmental goal,and that shaping a sustainable environment for the world be the long-term goal.Only by taking into account the individual,national and global-level goals can the global energy governance agenda be prevented from becoming an extension of power politics among major powers,and the risks posed by the energy and climate crises will be reduced.Facing global challenges such as energy supply security,energy poverty and climate change,China needs to uphold the concepts of a community with a shared future for mankind and green development,while promoting energy transformation,actively participating in climate governance,and working with other countries to build a clean and beautiful world.As an active participant in the global energy governance,China has been promoting the interconnection of energy infrastructure across countries,the multilateral energy cooperation mechanisms,and the inclusive concepts of energy security.These efforts contribute to China's energy security and its ambition of being a responsible global power.Besides,China's active participation will ensure the smooth flow of the global energy supply chain,maintain the stability of the international energy market and prices,and achieve the goal of sustainable energy for all advocated by the United Nations.
作者 周云亨 吴磊 Zhou Yunheng;Wu Lei(School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;Institute of International Relations,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期30-40,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(21BZZ084) 浙江省重点研发计划项目(2022C03154) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目。
关键词 能源安全 能源危机 全球能源治理 中国方案 energy security energy crisis global energy governance China's proposals
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