

Exploration of the Formation and Mechanism of Chinese Medicine Sneezing Method
摘要 本文在广泛收集与喷嚏有关的古代文献资料的基础上,运用中医理论来分析喷嚏的生理现象和病理性现象,深入探讨了被动的喷嚏转变为人为的主动喷嚏的意义,并结合所治病证来揭示中医取嚏法的作用机理,即喷嚏一般是阳气由抑郁转为通畅的征兆,是正气抗邪或正气胜邪的表现;人为取嚏能激发人体阳气、宣降肺气、通利气机、抗御外邪,其具体作用体现在11个方面,即未病先防、开窍醒神、升阳举陷、降气止逆、开上启下、开发腠理、疏理气机、通络止痛、托毒排脓、整骨复位、排除异物。通过与其他中医疗法相比,本文认为取嚏法具有简、便、廉、验的优势,它在多种疾病的防治上和人体养生保健中具有举足轻重的作用,值得深入研究和推广应用。 Based on the extensive collection of ancient literature related to sneezing,this paper analyzes the physiological and pathological phenomena of sneezing by using the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,and probes into the significance of passive sneezing into artificial active sneezing,and reveals the mechanism of sneezing in traditional Chinese medicine combined with the treatment of diseases and syndromes,that is,sneezing is generally a sign of Yang Qi changing from depression to smoothness and is a manifestation of positive Qi resisting evil or positive Qi overcoming evil.Artificial sneezing can stimulate the Yang Qi of the human body,disperse and descend lung Qi,dredge Qi movement,and resist external evils.Its specific functions are reflected in eleven aspects,namely,prevention before disease onset,resuscitation and awakening,lifting Yang Qi,descending Qi and arresting adverse Qi,opening up the upper and lower parts,opening the skin pores,dredging Qi movement,dredging collaterals and relieving pain,supporting toxin and expelling pus,bone-setting reduction,and excluding foreign bodies.Compared with other traditional Chinese medicine therapies,this paper believes that sneezing has the advantages of simplicity,convenience,low cost,and good effect.It plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases and human health care and is worthy of in-depth research and application.
作者 钱苏海 项莎特 金艺波 钱俊华 丁兴红 QIAN Suhai;XIANG Shate;JIN Yibo;QIAN Junhua;DING Xinghong(School of Basic Medical Sciences,Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310053,China)
出处 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期365-368,共4页 JOURNAL OF BASIC CHINESE MEDICINE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81973778,81774179) 浙江省新苗人才计划项目(2021R410056)。
关键词 鼻疗法 取嚏法 作用机理 文献研究 Nasal therapy Sneezing therapy Mechanism of action Literature research
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