

Collection and genetic diversity analysis of 191 wild sugarcane germplasm resources in Yunnan
摘要 【目的】收集云南野生甘蔗种质资源,并进行遗传多样性分析,筛选出优异种质资源,为甘蔗遗传改良提供优良亲本,也为利用和保护甘蔗野生种质资源提供理论依据。【方法】甘蔗野生种质资源采集按每隔30 km或海拔落差100 m取样1次,记录考察采集路线地理信息,调查表型性状和采集图像,并取地下根茎(地下种芽)样本保存。通过遗传变异分析、相关分析及聚类分析对6个表型性状进行综合评价,并分析其遗传多样性。【结果】甘蔗野生资源考察队历时20 d途经11个县(市)51个乡镇,共采集到191份甘蔗野生种质资源,隶属于3个属5个种,其中滇蔗茅(Erianthusrockii)42份、割手密(Sacchuramspontaneum)53份、芒(Micanthussinensis)20份、斑茅(Erianthusarundinacius)35份、蔗茅(Erianthus fulvus)41份,主要分布于23°12′0″N~25°18′0″N,101°51′0″E~104°36′0″E和海拔208.45~2238.71 m地理区域。甘蔗野生资源种间表型性状变异丰富,表型性状的变异系数18.33%~51.76%,其中割手密的平均变异系数最高,为40.95%,其次为斑茅,平均变异系数为38.61%,芒的平均变异系数最小,为33.80%。纬度和海拔均与叶宽、株高和茎径呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),而锤度与经度、纬度和海拔无显著相关性(P>0.05)。通过聚类分析及优异资源筛选,发现滇蔗茅种质第Ⅲ类群(Er2021-29)、割手密种质第Ⅱ类群(Sp2021-25、Sp2021-26和Sp2021-21)、芒种质第Ⅱ类群(Ma2021-15),斑茅种质第Ⅳ类群(Ea2021-8)、蔗茅种质第Ⅰ类群(Ef2021-1)共7份材料产量性状和品质性状优良。【结论】此次野生甘蔗种质资源采集行动弥补国家甘蔗种质资源圃(开远)在云南省境内部分县(市)考察盲区系统调查的空白,且采集的191份甘蔗野生种质资源表型性状具有丰富的遗传多样性,部分特异材料具有其他甘蔗野生资源所不具备的优异性状,有7份种质综合表现优异,具有较大的利用潜力。 【Objective】The purpose of the study was to collect wild sugarcane germplasm resources in Yunnan and analyze the genetic diversity to screen out the excellent germplasm resources,to provide excellent parents for the genetic improvement of sugarcane varieties,and also to provide a theoretical basis for the utilization and conservation of wild su-garcane germplasm resources.【Method】The wild sugarcane germplasm resources were collected by sampling every 30 km or 100 m altitude difference.Geographical information of the investigation collection route was recorded.Phenotypic traits investigation and image collection were completed.And samples of underground rhizomes(underground seed buds)were taken and preserved.The six phenotypic traits were comprehensively evaluated by genetic variation analysis,correlation analysis and cluster analysis,and their genetic diversity was analyzed.【Result】The wild sugarcane resource investigation team collected for 20 d and passed through 51 townships in 11 counties(cities).A total of 191 wild sugarcane germplasm resources were collected,which belonged to 3 genera and 5 species,including 42 of Erianthus rockii,53 of Sacchuram spontaneum,20 of Micanthus sinensis,35 of Erianthus arundinacius and 41 of Erianthus fulvus.They were mainly dis‐tributed in the geographical areas of 23°12′0″N-25°18′0″N,101°51′0″E-104°36′0″E and altitude 208.45-2238.71 m.There was abundant variation in phenotypic traits of wild sugarcane germplasm resources,with the coefficient of variation for phenotypic traits ranging from 18.33%to 51.76%.The average coefficient of variation of 40.95%in S.spontaneum was the highest,followed by the average coefficient of variation of 38.61%in E.arundinacius,and the smallest coeffi‐cient of variation was 33.80%in M.sinensis.Both latitude and altitude were extremely significantly(P<0.01)negatively correlated with leaf width,stalk height and stalk diameter,while brix was not significantly(P>0.05)correlated with lon‐gitude,latitude and altitude.Cluster analysis and screening of excellent resources showed that E.rockii germplasm groupⅢ(Er2021-29),S.spontaneum germplasm groupⅡ(Sp2021-25,Sp2021-26 and Sp2021-21),M.sinensis germplasm groupⅡ(Ma2021-15),E.arundinacius germplasm groupⅣ(Ea2021-8),E.fulvus germplasm groupⅠ(ef2021-1)had good yield and quality traits.【Conclusion】This wild sugarcane germplasm collection action makes up for the gaps in the systematic investigation of blind areas in some counties and cities of Yunnan by the National Sugarcane Germplasm Re‐source Nursery(Kaiyuan).The collected 191 wild sugarcane resources are rich in genetic diversity in terms of phenotypic traits.Some of the special materials have excellent traits that other wild sugarcane resources do not have,and there are seven germplasms with excellent overall performance and good potential for utilization.
作者 徐超华 陈学宽 毛钧 赵培方 赵俊 赵勇 林秀琴 孔春艳 陆鑫 XU Chao-hua;CHEN Xue-kuan;MAO Jun;ZHAO Pei-fang;ZHAO Jun;ZHAO Yong;LIN Xiu-qin;KONG Chun-yan;LU Xin(Sugarcane Research Institute,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Yunnan Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement,Kaiyuan,Yunnan 661699,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3125-3135,共11页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 科技部、财政部国家科技资源共享服务平台项目(NCGRC-2023-42) 国家糖料产业技术体系项目(CARS-170718) 云南省科技人才与平台计划项目(202205AM070001)。
关键词 甘蔗 种质资源 农艺性状 遗传多样性 sugarcane germplasm resource agronomic trait genetic diversity
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