

Evolution,Measures and Reflections of Higher Education Equality in Thailand
摘要 泰国高等教育公平经历了起步、拓展和深化的发展阶段,有权接受高等教育的群体和对象得到了拓宽,接受高等教育的权利和机会得到了保障,教育公平问题得到极大程度的改善。泰国相继出台一系列与教育公平相关的法律和政策,采取了扩大高等教育机会供给、革新高等教育招生录取方式、对边缘性群体采取补偿性举措、全面提升高等教育质量等举措。泰国高等教育公平的政策举措在内涵、主体和策略方面呈现出关注教育公平的综合概念、构建面向全民的教育公平政策体系以及采取多元开放策略等实践特点。与此同时,泰国高等教育也面临规模扩张引发的高等教育质量低下问题、存在难以跨越的区域教育鸿沟等问题挑战。 The equality of higher education in Thailand has gone through the stages of starting,expanding and deepening.The groups entitled to receive higher education have been broadened,the rights and opportunities to receive higher education have been guaranteed,and the issue of education inequality has been greatly improved.Thailand has successively issued a series of laws and policy documents related to education equality,has taken measures to expand the supply of higher education opportunities,innovated the way of higher education enrollment,took compensatory measures for marginal groups,and comprehensively improved the quality of higher education.In terms of concept,subject and strategy,Thailand's higher education equality policy and practice show the characteristics of paying attention to the comprehensive concept of education equality,building an education equality policy system for whole citizens,and adopting diversified and open strategies.At the same time,Thailand's higher education policy is also facing challenges,such as the low quality of higher education caused by the expansion of higher education,and the existence of huge regional education gap.Facing the future,topics such as education quality that is closely related to the equality of higher education,has gradually been put on the agenda.How to ensure and improve the quality of higher education while ensuring the equality of higher education in Thailand deserves continuous attention and research.
作者 徐冰娜 XU Bing-na(Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
机构地区 厦门大学
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期84-90,共7页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
基金 中国学位与研究生教育学会2020年重大课题“‘一带一路’国家的研究生教育改革与发展研究”(编号:2020ZAC12)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 泰国 高等教育公平 历史演进 行动举措 Thailand higher education equality evolution measures
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