

Road Construction in Qingshuijing River Basin since Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Casting of the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
摘要 历史上,黔东南地区是并未被中央王朝直接管理的“生苗区”,即所谓的“化外之地”,而清水江是黔东南地区与外界沟通的重要道路。明代伊始,中央王朝出于战略统治的需要,加强对清水江流域的开发经营,制定了各种措施政策,推动清水江流域融合发展,其中道路的开辟便是重要举措之一。道路作为一种使用载体,既是文化历史的有机见证,也是积累人类社会更迭换代的重要基础。道路的开辟在一定程度上实现交往交流,进而促进了各民族之间的交融,为中华民族共同体意识的形成与凝聚提供了空间与物质条件,并推动彼此凝聚融合,在实践中谱写团结向心的精神指向,成为中华民族共同体意识铸建的重要条件。明清以来清水江流域道路的开辟,不仅方便移民的迁入、儒学教育的推广,而且促进集市商贸的发展,重塑出清水江流域新的社会秩序,进而揭示清水江流域道路的开辟与国家权力、社会变迁之间的深刻关系。由此延伸,以道路的开辟与疆域统一、因地制宜的政策调整、文化滋润顺育民心、一体化进程作统一整合,着重探讨道路的开辟、各族群交流互动融合与中华民族共同体意识铸建之关联。以古示今,前后相应,为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供借鉴经验。 In history,the Southeastern district of Guizhou was a“wild Miao region”not directly ruled by the central gov⁃ernment of the feudal emperors,that is,the so-called“place beyond cultivation,”and Qingshuijiang River was an im⁃portant waterway connecting this region with the outside world.At the beginning of Ming Dynasty,the central govern⁃ment strengthened the development and operation of this river basin out of strategic needs,and formulated various meas⁃ures and policies to promote the integration and development of this region,among which the construction of roads was one of the important measures.Roads,as a means facilitating people,are not only an organic witness of culture and his⁃tory,but also an important basis for the accumulation of human social change.The construction of roads,to a certain ex⁃tent,led to communication and exchanges,and furthermore promoted the integration of various ethnic groups,providing space and material conditions for the formation of the sense of community of the Chinese nation,helping to push the inte⁃gration of various ethnic groups,which acted as a spiritual orientation of unity in practice,and became an important con⁃dition for the casting of the sense of community of the Chinese nation.The construction of roads in Qingshuijiang River Basin since Ming and Qing Dynasties not only facilitated immigration and the promotion of Confucian education,but also stimulated markets and business development,reshaping a new social order in the region,and revealing the profound re⁃lationship between road construction and the change of state power and the society.Then,based on the following as⁃pects:road construction and territory unification,the adjustment of policies according to local conditions,the nourish⁃ment of people’s hearts through culture,this paper mainly discusses the connection between road construction,the in⁃teraction and fusion of various ethnic groups,and the establishment of the sense of community for the Chinese nation,and provides lessons for casting a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation by studying the past.
作者 石子健 王田 SHI Zi-jian;WANG Tian(School of Ethnology and Sociology,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期27-35,共9页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
关键词 清水江流域 道路 秩序重构 中华民族共同体意识 Qingshuijing River Basin roads order reconstruction the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
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