
米非司酮联合米索前列醇用于不同孕周药物流产效果 被引量:1

Effect of mifepristone combined with misoprostol for abortion of women with different gestational weeks
摘要 目的:探究米非司酮联合米索前列醇用于不同孕周药物流产效果。方法:选取2022年10月-2023年10月本院要求行药物流产者100例,根据妊娠孕周分为5~7周组(n=46)和8~12周组(n=54)。均给予米非司酮+米索前列醇药物干预,分析两组流产成功率、孕囊自然排出时间、阴道出血量、阴道出血时间、不良反应以及性激素水平变化。结果:5~7周组流产成功率(97.8%)高于8~12周组(83.3%),阴道出血量(71.1±8.1ml)和阴道流血时间(8.0±0.9d)均低于8~12周组(169.1±10.8ml、14.3±1.0d);流产后1周,两组孕酮水平均升高、雌二醇和卵泡刺激素水平均降低,且5~7周组改善效果优于8~12周组;5~7周组不良反应发生率(4.4%)低于8~12周组(18.5%)(均P<0.05)。结论:米非司酮联合米索前列醇药物流产对孕早期效果更优,可提高流产成功率,降低阴道出血量、出血时间和不良反应,改善性激素水平。 Objective:To explore the effect of mifepristone combined with misoprostol for abortion of women with different gestational weeks.Methods:A total of 100 women who wanted medical abortion in hospital were selected and were divided into group A(46 women with 5 to 7 gestational weeks)and group B(54 women with gestational 8 to 12 weeks)according to the gestational weeks of these women from October 2022 to October 2023.All the women in the two groups were given mifepristone combined with misoprostol for medical abortion.The success rate of abortion,the natural discharge time of the pregnancy sac,the amount of vaginal bleeding,the time of vaginal bleeding,the adverse reactions rate and the changes of the sex hormone levels before and after treatment of the women in the two groups were analyzed.Results:The success rate of the abortion(97.8%)of the women in group A was significantly higher than that(83.3%)of the women in group B,and the amount of vaginal bleeding(71.1±8.1ml)and the vaginal bleeding time(8.0±0.9d)of the women in group A were significantly lower than those(169.1±10.8ml and 14.3±1.0d)of the women in group B.1 week after abortion,the level of progesterone of the women in the two groups had increased significantly,the levels of estradiol and follicle stimulating hormone of the women in the two groups had decreased significantly,and the improvement effect of which of the women in group A was significantly better than that of the women in group B.The incidence of the adverse reactions(4.4%)of the women in group A was significantly lower than that(18.5%)of the women in group B(all P<0.05).Conclusion:Mifepristone combined with misoprostol for abortion of the pregnant women with less gestational weeks has better effect,which can improve the success rate of abortion,reduce the amount of vaginal bleeding,bleeding time and adverse reactions,and improve the level of the sex hormones of the women.
作者 魏静 刘海青 刘冬梅 WEI Jing;LIU Haiqing;LIU Dongmei(Zhoushan Women and Children Hospital,Zhoushan,Zhejiang Province,316000)
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 2024年第3期533-536,共4页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 药物流产 不同孕周 米索前列醇 米非司酮 流产成功率 安全性 Medical abortion Different gestational weeks Misoprostol Mifepristone Success rate of abortion Safety
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