

The Main Mission and Measurements of Promoting China’s Modernization of Ganzi Prefecture—A Brief Thoughts on Learning and Implementing the Principles of 20 t h National Congress of CPC
摘要 关于中国式现代化的重大创新理论成果,标志着中国共产党对现代化建设规律的认识达到了全新高度,为社会主义现代化建设和人类文明发展进步提供了崭新视野、理论范式和实践路径。经过新时代十年的伟大变革,甘孜州作为川西涉藏地区,各项事业取得了历史性成就,经济社会发展领域实现了突破性进展、取得了一系列标志性成果,阔步迈上推进中国式现代化的正确道路,成为新时代十年伟大变革在涉藏地区的生动缩影。在新时代新征程上,深刻领会中国式现代化的历史方位和科学内涵,着眼中华民族伟大复兴战略全局,坚定推进中国式现代化的信念信心;聚焦制约实现长治久安和高质量发展的主要矛盾和突出问题,不断满足各族人民对美好生活的向往;牢记治边稳藏安康的使命任务,明确推进中国式现代化的使命任务与重点举措,全面建设团结、富裕、美丽、和谐的社会主义现代化甘孜,奋力谱写中国式现代化的甘孜篇章。 The major innovative theoretical achievements on China’s modernization mark that the CPC’s understanding of the law of modernization has reached a new height,providing a new vision,theoretical paradigm and practical path for socialist modernization and the development and progress of human civilization.After ten years of great changes in the new era,Ganzi prefecture,as a Tibetan-related region in western Sichuan,has witnessed historic achievements in various undertakings,achieved breakthrough progress in economic and social development,and made a series of landmark achievements,striding forward on the correct road of promoting China’s modernization,becoming a vivid epitome of the great changes in the Tibet related areas in the new era over the past ten years.On the new journey of the new era,we have a deep understanding of the historical orientation and scientific connotation of China’s modernization,bear in mind the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and firmly promote China’s modernization.We need to focus on the major contradictions and prominent problems that constrain the realization of long-term stability and high-quality development,and constantly meet the aspirations of people of all ethnic groups for a better life.Keep in our mind the mission and task,clearly define the mission,tasks and key measures for promoting China’s modernization to comprehensively build a united,wealthy,beautiful and harmonious socialist modernization of Ganzi,and strive to write a chapter of China’s modernization of Ganzi.
作者 拉加当周 Lajia Dang-zhou(Sichuan Minzu College,Kangding,Sichuan 626001,China)
机构地区 四川民族学院
出处 《四川民族学院学报》 2023年第6期97-102,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Minzu College
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“民族地区红色文化的赓续传承与中华民族认同建设研究”(23BMZ028)。
关键词 党的二十大精神 中国式现代化 使命任务 甘孜州 The principles of 20th National Congress of CPC China’s modernization the missions and tasks Ganzi Prefecture
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