
生物有机肥与水分联合调控下稻田土壤氮素变化规律 被引量:1

Soil nitrogen changes in rice fields under combined regulation of bio-organic fertilizer and water
摘要 为了探究生物有机肥和控制灌溉联合调控下稻田土壤氮素变化的特征和规律,开展了水稻小区种植试验。试验设置2种灌溉模式(常规淹灌(F)、控制灌溉(C))和3种施肥模式(全施化肥(A)、生物有机肥等氮替代15%化学氮肥(B)、生物有机肥等氮替代30%化学氮肥(C)),分析水稻生育期内土壤铵态氮与硝态氮含量的变化特征。试验表明:至水稻分蘖期时,相同灌溉模式下,配施生物有机肥处理的稻田土壤铵态氮含量均值均低于全施化肥处理,降幅为19.85%~48.78%,土壤硝态氮含量均值是生物有机肥等氮替代30%化学氮肥的处理低于全施化肥处理,降幅为15.35%~33.08%;而从水稻拔节期起,相同灌溉模式下配施生物有机肥处理的稻田土壤铵态氮平均含量比全施化肥处理增加了12.71%~56.26%,除FB处理硝态氮含量降低外其余配施生物有机肥处理的土壤硝态氮平均含量比全施化肥处理增加了19.21%~105.80%。控制灌溉的水稻全生育期土壤硝态氮含量显著高于常规淹灌(P<0.05),而土壤铵态氮含量则是常规淹灌高于控制灌溉。结果表明:生物有机肥配施化肥有利于水稻分蘖期后土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量的积累,提升了稻田土壤氮素的养分累积,其中生物有机肥等氮替代15%化肥的效果较好。控制灌溉使得土壤硝态氮含量增加,同时也减少了土壤铵态氮的含量。综合考虑环境与经济效益,控制灌溉与生物有机肥等氮替代15%化肥的稻田水肥管理模式较好。 In order to explore the characteristics and rules of soil nitrogen change in paddy fields under the combined regulation of bio-organic fertilizers and controlled irrigation,a rice plot planting experiment was carried out.Two irrigation modes:flood irrigation(F),controlled irrigation(C)and three fertilization modes:full chemical fertilizer(A),replacement of chemical nitrogen by 15%bio-organic fertilizer(B),replacement of chemical nitrogen by 30%bio-organic fertilizer(C)were set up to analyze the variation characteristics of soil ammonium nitrogen content and soil nitrate nitrogen content during rice growth period.Every treatment is fertilized at the same nitrogen level.We found that till the tillering stage of rice,the average contents of ammonium nitrogen in treatments with bio-organic fertilizer under the same irrigation mode were all lower than those with full chemical fertilizer,with a decrease of 19.85%-48.78%;the average contents of nitrate nitrogen in treatments with C were lower than those with A,with a decrease of 15.35%-33.08%.While from the jointing stage,under the same irrigation mode,the average contents of ammonium nitrogen in treatments with bio-organic fertilizer were 12.71%-56.26%higher than those with full chemical fertilizer;the average contents of nitrate nitrogen in treatments with bio-organic fertilizer were also 19.21%-105.80%higher than those with full chemical fertilizer,except FB treatment.The soil nitrate nitrogen content in the whole rice growth period under controlled irrigation was significantly higher than that under flood irrigation(P<0.05),but the soil ammonium nitrogen content was higher under flood irrigation.The results show that bio-organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer is beneficial to the accumulation of soil ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen after the tillering stage,and improves the accumulation of soil nitrogen in paddy fields,and the replacement of chemical nitrogen by 15%bio-organic fertilizer has a better effect.Moreover,controlled irrigation increases the content of soil nitrate nitrogen and reduces the content of soil ammonium nitrogen.For better environmental and economic benefits,a combination of controlled irrigation and replacement of chemical nitrogen by 15%bio-organic fertilizer is recommended.
作者 姚显紫 侯会静 韩正砥 詹沐霖 钱翔 YAO Xianzi;HOU Huijing;HAN Zhengdi;ZHAN Mulin;QIAN Xiang(College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China)
出处 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期217-224,共8页 Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
基金 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(扬州大学)(KYCX22_3497) 江苏省高校优势学科建设项目(PAPD)。
关键词 生物有机肥 控制灌溉 联合调控 铵态氮 硝态氮 土壤氮素变化 水稻 bio-organic fertilizer controlled irrigation combined regulation ammonium nitrogen nitrate nitrogen soil nitrogen change rice
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