

A Survey of Genus Lysiteles(Araneae:Thomisidae)from Guiyang,with Description of a New Species
摘要 本文报道了贵阳地区的5种微蟹蛛属Lysiteles Simon, 1895蜘蛛,其中4种为贵州新记录:昆明微蟹蛛L. kunmingensis Song&Zhao, 1994、细微蟹蛛L. minusculus Song&Chai, 1990、南风面微蟹蛛L. nanfengmian Liu,2022和森林微蟹蛛L. silvanus Ono, 1980,发现一新物种,以贵阳微蟹蛛Lysiteles guiyang Pan&Yu, sp. nov.命名。本文提供了上述5种微蟹蛛的生态照片,并详细描述了新物种,为其提供了鉴别特征、外形和交配器官的彩色插图。此外,对这5种微蟹蛛的DNA条形码进行了测序,提供了COⅠ基因序列以作后续的分子系统学研究。 In this study,five crab spider species belonging to the genus Lysiteles Simon,1895 collected from Guiyang City,Guizhou Province of China are reported.Among the five crab spider species,there are four newly recorded species(L.kunmingensis Song&Zhao,1994,L.minusculus Song&Chai,1990,L.nanfengmian Liu,2022,and L.silvanus Ono,1980)in Guizhou,and one new species named Lysiteles guiyang Pan&Yu,sp.nov.The living photos are given for the five species.Detailed description and diagnosis are provided for the new species,as well as color illustrations of body habitus and copulatory organs.Additionally,DNA barcodes(COⅠ)of all the five species were sequenced for subsequent molecular systematics studies.Lysiteles guiyang Pan&Yu,sp.nov.(plateⅠ:G,plateⅤ:A-D):holotype♂(GZNU-THO-23-001):Panlongshan Forest Park,Wudang District,Guiyang,Guizhou Province,106.88°E,26.74°N,1172 m,2.Ⅵ.2022,H.Yu et al.leg.paratypes 1♂(GZNU-THO-23-002)(YHGY196):Xiangzhigou Longjingwan Canyon,Xinpu Buyi Nationality Village,Wudang District,Guiyang,Guizhou Province,106.92°E,26.78°N,1092 m,1.Ⅵ.2022,H.Yu et al.leg.The species epithet is named by the type locality;noun in apposition.The new species re-sembles L.subdianicus Song&Zhao,1994(Tang et al.,2008:32,fig.17a-j)in male having two tibial apophyses[the retrolateral tibial apophysis(RTA)is about 1/2 of the cymbium length](vs.tibia either with at least three apophyses,or with two apophyses but the RTA shorter than 1/2 of the cymbium length in all other congeners),but differs in the following:(1)in ventral view,RTA slender and lance-shaped,apically triangular,its tip extending obliquely and well separated from cymbium in L.guiyang sp.nov.(vs.RTA shaped like a long spatulate,apically spiniform,erected and close to cymbium in L.subdianicus)(cf.PlateⅤ:A,B and Tang et al.,2008:32,fig.17f,j);(2)cymbium with a tutaculum in L.guiyang sp.nov.(vs.tutaculum absent in L.subdianicus)(cf.PlateⅤ:A,B and Tang et al.,2008:32,fig.17f,j);(3)embolus slender and flagelliform,distinctly longer than the width of tegulum in L.guiyang sp.nov.(vs.claw-like,thicker and shorter in L.subdianicus)(cf.Plate V:A,C,D and Tang et al.,2008:32,fig.17e-g,j).
作者 潘天芹 邓成静 张玉槐 喻浩 PAN Tianqin;DENG Chengjing;ZHANG Yuhuai;YU Hao(State Key Laboratory of Southwest Karst Mountain Biodiversity Conservation of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,School of Life Sciences,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550018,China;School of Biological Sciences,Guizhou Education University,Guiyang 550018,China)
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2024年第2期215-224,共10页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(NSFC-32360123/32060113) 贵州省科学技术基金(黔科合基础[2020]1Y081) 贵阳市生物多样性调查与评价服务项目(GZZC-2021-018) 贵州省级一流专业(生物科学)项目(教高厅函[2019]46号)。
关键词 生物多样性 分类学 新种 形态 DNA条形码 biodiversity taxonomy new species morphology DNA barcoding
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