

Doppler Positioning Performance of LEO Mega Constellation
摘要 基于典型的Starlink星座构型,对大规模低轨星座多普勒定位算法展开研究。实验结果表明,理想条件下低轨星座多普勒单点定位精度可以在3~6 m。为保证米级的定位精度,低轨卫星的位置精度和速度精度应为米级每秒或厘米级每秒。C频段信号受到的电离层误差若不做改正,将导致定位精度变差2 m左右。对流层误差将使得定位结果变差几十米。此外,使用轨道高度为550 km的低轨卫星的多普勒频移定位时,接收机的初值误差应小于300 km,否则部分历元将不能收敛到正确的接收机位置。 This paper proposed a Doppler-only point-solution algorithm and analyzed the Doppler positioning performance based on the Starlink constellation.The Doppler positioning accuracy was about 3~6 m.To achieve the meter-level positioning accuracy,the satel-lite position and velocity errors should be within several meters and several centimeters per second,respectively.The ionospheric delay rates of C-band signal would cause about 2 m error in Doppler positioning.The positioning error would increase by dozens of meters if there were no corrections for the tropospheric errors.To ensure convergence in the LEO-based Doppler positioning,the initial receiver position error should be less than 300 km when the satellites orbit at an altitude of 550 km.
作者 张雨露 李桢 施闯 景贵飞 ZHANG Yulu;LI Zhen;SHI Chuang;JING Guifei(Research Institute for Frontier Science,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;Laboratory of Navigation and Communication Fusion Technology,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《天地一体化信息网络》 2024年第1期84-94,共11页 Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.41931075,No.42204033) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(YWF-23-JC-12)。
关键词 定位导航授时 低轨卫星互联网星座 多普勒定位 电离层误差 对流层误差 positioning navigation and timing broadband LEO constellations Doppler positioning ionospheric delay rates tropo-spheric delay rates
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