

Dynamic Practice and Empirical Inspiration of Chinese Modernization from the Perspective of Marx’s Theory of World History
摘要 马克思世界历史理论是考察分析人类社会现代化发展总体趋势的重要思想和方法论,它为批判以资本逻辑为主导的西方式现代化发展弊端,准确把握东方落后民族国家自主选择符合本国国情的现代化发展道路奠定了坚实的理论基础。中国式现代化是世界历史语境中中国共产党团结带领人民历经千辛万苦成功创造的具有中国气质的重大理论与实践成果,是世界现代化历史发展普遍性与特殊性辩证统一的历史产物,也是近代以来中国社会内外矛盾运动符合逻辑发展的必然结果,彻底改变了西方式现代化以资本统治人的历史,确立了以人的自由全面发展为核心的现代化发展范式,创造了人类文明的新形态。新征程上,推进和拓展中国式现代化必须在深化“两个结合”中实现马克思主义中国化时代化与时俱进,坚持党的全面领导,充分发挥社会主义制度的独特优势,坚定不移地走自己的路,以宏阔的世界眼光沿着人类文明多样性发展道路勇毅前行,以更加彰显中国式现代化的强大生命力。 Marx's theory of world history is an important guidance and methodology for investigating and analyzing the overall trend of the modernization of human society,which lays a solid theoretical foundation for criticizing the detriments of western-style modernization led by the logic of capital,and accurately determining the direction for once backward nation-states in the East to independently choose the path of modernization in line with their own national conditions.Chinese modernization represents a major theoretical and practical achievement with Chinese temperament made by the Communist Party of China in the context of world history by uniting and leading the people through hardships and efforts,a historical product of the dialectical unity of universality and particularity in the historical development of world modernization,and an inevitable result of the logical development of contradictions inside and outside Chinese society since modern times.This achievement has thoroughly altered the history of western modernization in which people were ruled by capital,and established the modernization paradigm with the free and comprehensive development of people at its core,creating a new form of human civilization.On the new journey,to promote and expand Chinese modernization,we must adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times while deepening the concept of “two combinations”,keep pace with the times,adhere to the Party's overall leadership,give full play to the unique advantages of the socialist system,unswervingly follow our own path,and move forward bravely and resolutely along the path of diversified development of human civilization with a broad world vision,so as to further demonstrate the strong vitality of Chinese modernization.
作者 周建超 ZHOU Jian-chao(School of Marxism,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期5-11,共7页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国式现代化的历史脉络与推进路径研究”(23ZDA013)的阶段性成果。
关键词 马克思世界历史理论 中国式现代化 人的自由全面发展 生动实践 经验启示 Marx's theory of world history Chinese modernization free and comprehensive development of people dynamic practice empirical inspiration
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