

A Study on the Newly Discovered the Han Manuscript Mongolian Genealogy Compiled during the Qianlong and Jiaqing Reigns and Its Value:Simultaneously Examining the Biographies of Luomi罗密and Boqing'e博清额
摘要 清代雍乾年间罗密初纂、博清额续纂的《蒙古家谱》是研究蒙古史的重要史籍,学界通常认为存世有五种汉文抄本、两种蒙古文抄本。福建省图书馆藏两卷本罗密编纂《蒙古博尔济锦氏族谱》和中国社会科学院藏三卷本博清额续纂《蒙古博尔济吉忒氏族谱》两种汉文足本,以往学界未曾关注和利用,从版本及内容看,均具有突出的文献价值。通过避讳信息、版本比勘等方式考察可知,闽图藏本、社科院藏本成书于清代乾嘉时期,成书年代早于目前所知版本,更接近原本。此次发现的《蒙古家谱》汉文抄本还附有注释和大量随文批注,对文中所涉人名、地名、年代等相关内容进行必要的补充说明,弥足珍贵。此外,利用一手文献档案可深入挖掘《蒙古家谱》作者罗密、博清额生平履历中的更多历史细节。 Mongolian Genealogy,compiled by Luomi during the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods of the Qing Dynasty and continued by BoQing'e,is an important historical book for studying Mongolian history.It is generally believed in the academic community that five copies of Han manuscripts and two copies of Mongolian manuscripts have been discovered.The two volumes of Mongolian Borjijin Genealogy compiled by Luomi and the three volumes of Mongolian Borjijite Genealogycontinued by Boqing'e,collected in the Fujian Provincial Library and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,are two Han versions that have not been paid attention to or utilized yet by scholars in the past.Both versions have outstanding literary value.Through avoiding taboo words and comparing different versions,it can be concluded that the collections of the Fujian Provincial Library and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences were compiled between the Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing periods of the Qing Dynasty,and the compilation dates were earlier than the currently known versions,closer to the original.The two Han copies of the Mongolian Genealogy is also accompanied by notes and a large number of annotations,which provide necessary supplementary explanations for the relevant content such as names of persons and places and eras mentioned in the text.It is extremely precious.In addition,utilizing first-hand literature and archives can delve deeply into the historical details of the biographies of the authors,Luomi and Boqing'e.
作者 项旋 范俊坡 Xiang Xuan;Fan Junpo
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期117-128,M0006,共13页 Ethno-National Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“清帝北巡与国家治理研究”(项目编号:21CZS030)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 《蒙古家谱》汉文抄本 批注 罗密 博清额 Mongolian Genealogy copies in Han characters annotations Luomi Boqinge
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