

Individual and collective temporal self-evaluation:Evidence from behavior and ERP
摘要 运用事件相关电位技术和时间自我参照任务,通过两个系列实验探讨了大学生的个体时间自我评价和集体时间自我评价。结果显示,被试采用更多积极词、更少消极词来评价过去、现在和未来的个体自我和集体自我,个体自我评价在过去、现在和未来维度上存在积极递增效应;个体自我和集体自我在过去和现在维度上的消极词比积极词诱发了更大LPC波幅,而未来维度上的积极词和消极词之间的LPC波幅无显著差异。这表明,中国大学生的个体时间自我评价和集体时间自我评价均具有跨时间的积极偏向。而且,个体与集体时间自我评价在神经生理水平上都存在负偏向效应。因此,中国大学生的集体时间自我评价与个体时间自我评价具有相似的认知神经特点,在一定程度上为依存型自我建构理论提供了支持证据。 Both behavioral and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the future positive bias of individual temporal self-evaluation.However,the characteristic of collective temporal self-evaluation is still an open question.The present study aimed to investigate the similarities and differences between individual and collective temporal self-evaluation using a temporal self-reference paradigm among Chinese undergraduates.In comparison to Westerners,Chinese are more unified in their self-concept,and their temporal self contains more social,relational,and family selves in the context of collectivist culture.Therefore,it was assumed that the collective temporal self-evaluation might be highly similar to individual temporal self-evaluation across time,according to interdependent self-construal theory.The present study adopted a 3(time dimension)×2(reference object)×2(valence)within-subjects design and employed an event-related potential(ERP)technique to explore the individual and collective temporal self-evaluation using two experiments.Brain electrical activity was recorded from 64 scalp sites using tin electrodes mounted in an elastic cap according to the international 10-20 system,and late positive components(LPC)were used as the EEG indicators because LPC was closely related to temporal self-evaluation.In Experiment 1,30 Chinese undergraduates were recruited,and they were asked to evaluate their and Zhangsan’s past self,present self,and future self(“Zhangsan”was often referred to the name of an ordinary person in China),using positive and negative personality adjectives.In Experiment 2,23 Chinese undergraduates were recruited to assess past self,present self,and future self of Chinese and Americans.In Experiment 1,the behavioral results showed that participants tended to use more positive adjectives and fewer negative adjectives to evaluate their future self,compared to their past self and present self;They tended to use more negative adjectives to evaluate their past self,compared to their present self.In addition,participants tended to use more positive adjectives and fewer negative adjectives to evaluate their future self,compared to Zhangsan’s self.These behavioral results indicated that individual self-evaluation was positive across time and had a trend to increase from past to future.ERP data showed that negative adjectives evoked greater LPC amplitudes than positive adjectives in the tasks of evaluating past self and present self,while there was no significant difference in the evaluation of future self,which demonstrated more“negativity bias”effects in individual past self-evaluation and present self-evaluation,compared to individual future self-evaluation.In Experiment 2,the behavioral results showed that participants tended to use more positive adjectives and fewer negative adjectives to evaluate collective temporal self than non-collective temporal self.The positive attitudes toward collective temporal self were no significant differences between different temporal dimensions(past,present,and future),indicating that participants had a stable and consistent positive bias toward their collective temporal self.ERP data showed that greater LPC amplitudes were evoked for negative adjectives than positive adjectives in evaluating collective past self and present self,while there was no significant difference in evaluating collective future self,which indicated that participants had more“negativity bias”effects in collective past self-evaluation and present self-evaluation,compared to collective future self-evaluation.In conclusion,our study suggested that both individual self-evaluation and collective self-evaluation had a positive bias across time.Moreover,there existed a“negativity bias”effect at the neurophysiological level in individual self-evaluation and collective self-evaluation.These results demonstrated that individual temporal self-evaluation and collective temporal self-evaluation among Chinese college students had similar cognitive and neurophysiological characteristics,to some extent,providing supporting evidence for the theory of interdependent self-construal.
作者 张锋 皮瑜 李小保 ZHANG Feng;PI Yu;LI Xiaobao(Institute of Psychology and Behavior,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004,China)
出处 《心理学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期447-457,共11页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(18BSH112)资助。
关键词 个体时间自我评价 集体时间自我评价 时间自我参照范式 事件相关电位 individual temporal self-evaluation collective temporal self-evaluation temporal self-reference paradigm event-related potential
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