

Temple Sacrifice and Tomb Sacrifice:A Preliminary Study on the Tuyuhun Ancestor Worship-The Third Study of the Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscript Tuyuhun Annals
摘要 祖先崇拜不仅在中国历史上是各族人民现实生活中的一种强烈信仰,而且至今仍是影响广泛的一种社会信仰。囿于史料的原因,鲜有学者关注到深受汉文化影响的吐谷浑是否存在祖先崇拜这一问题。文章从体现祖先崇拜的庙祭和墓祀这两个层面出发讨论吐谷浑祖先崇拜现象。以英藏敦煌藏文文献IOL Tib J 1368《吐谷浑大事纪年》为主要材料,通过对该文献中■一词的梳理,讨论吐谷浑庙祭,认为将■可译为“举行祭祖大典”,或“时享大典”。据此可知,吐谷浑不仅存在祭祖活动,而且还存在孟月祭祖这样的礼仪制度,并以青海的吐谷浑王陵墓所存地面祭祀建筑为主,讨论吐谷浑墓祀现象。文章认为,庙祭和墓祀可谓祖先崇拜的一体两面,结合汉文文献的相关记载,可以推知,深受汉文化影响的吐谷浑存在祖先崇拜的社会信仰,并且延续至吐蕃统治时期。 Ancestor worship has not only been a strong belief in the real life of people of all ethnic groups in Chinese history,but it is still a social belief with wide influence today.Limited by historical data,few scholars have paid attention to the issue of whether ancestor worship existed in Tuyuhun,which was deeply influenced by Han culture.This article discusses the phenomenon of ancestor worship in Tuyuhun from two aspects:temple sacrifices and tomb sacrifices that reflect ancestor worship.Taking the Dunhuang Tibetan manuscript IOL Tib J 1368 Tuyuhun Annals in the British collection as the main material,and by sorting out the word"sKu bla chen po"in the document,this paper discusses the Tuyuhun temple sacrifices and thinks that"sKu bla chen po gsol"can be translated as"holding an ancestor worship ceremony",or"the grand ceremony in the four seasons",It can be seen from this that not only ancestor worship activities existed in Tuyuhun,but also the ritual system of Mengyue(the first month of the four seasons)ancestor worship.The phenomenon of Tuyuhun tomb sacrifice was discussed based on the ground sacrificial buildings existing in the tomb of King Tuyuhun in Qinghai.The article believes that temple sacrifices and tomb sacrifices can be described as two sides of ancestor worship.Combining relevant records in Chinese documents,it can be inferred that Tuyuhun,which was deeply influenced by Han culture,had a social belief in ancestor worship,which lasted until the period of Tubo's rule.
作者 黄维忠 赵松山 HUANG Wei-zhong;ZHAO Song-shan
出处 《中国藏学》 北大核心 2023年第6期60-70,215,共12页 China Tibetology
基金 国家社科基金冷门绝学研究项目“敦煌藏文大事纪年文书研究”(项目编号:22VJXG043)的阶段性成果。
关键词 吐谷浑 祖先崇拜 吐谷浑王陵墓 IOL Tib J 1368《吐谷浑大事纪年》 Tuyuhun Ancestor worship Tuyuhun mausoleum IOL Tib J 1368 Tuyuhun Annals
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