

Analysis of Public Willingness to Participate in Medical Insurance Fund Supervision Based on Weiner Attri⁃bution Theory
摘要 目的了解公众参与医保基金监管的意愿及其影响因素,为营造全社会自觉关注并维护医保基金安全的良好氛围提供建议参考。方法采用分层抽样中非比例抽样与方便抽样相结合的方法,在全国28个省(区、市)进行调查,共收集1661份样本。采用χ2检验与二分类logistic回归分析对影响公众参与医保基金监管意愿的因素进行研究。结果回收有效问卷1661份,共有457名(27.51%)公众愿意参与监管。能力维度中的学历是公众监管意愿的阻碍因素(P<0.001),努力程度维度中的对骗保行为性质的评价以及对骗保行为产生的总体危害程度的评价、机遇维度中的家庭成员中是否有医保工作者以及是否有获得医疗救助的经历是公众监管意愿的促进因素(P<0.05)。结论公众参与医保基金监管的意愿有待提高,可以重点从能力、努力程度、机遇维度方面增强公众的监管意愿,加深公众对欺诈骗保行为的认知程度,不断提升社会公众打击欺诈骗保的积极性,减少并杜绝骗保行为发生。 Objective To understand the public’s willingness to participate in the supervision of medical insurance funds and their influencing factors,and to provide suggestions and references for creating a good atmosphere for the whole society to consciously pay attention to and maintain the safety of medical insurance funds.Methods Using a combination of non-proportional and convenience sampling with stratified sampling,a total of 1661 samples were collected from 28 provinces across China,and a chi-square test and binary logistic regression were used to investi⁃gate the factors affecting the public’s willingness to participate in the supervision of medical insurance funds.Results There are 1661 valid questionnaires returned and a total of 457(27.51%)members of the public are willing to participate in supervision.The educational level in the ability dimension was the hindering factor of the public’s supervision willingness(P<0.001).Evaluation of the nature of medical insurance fraud and evaluation of the overall harm caused by medical insurance fraud in the dimension of effort,whether family members have medical insurance workers and whether they have the experience of obtaining medical assistance in the dimension of opportunity was the promoting factor of public supervised willingness(P<0.05).Conclusion The public’s willingness to participate in the supervision of medical insurance funds needs to be improved.It can focus on enhancing the public’s willingness to supervise medical insurance funds from the dimensions of ability,effort and opportunity,deepen the public’s aware⁃ness of medical insurance fraud,and continuously improve the public’s enthusiasm to crack down on medical insurance fraud,and reduce and eliminate insurance fraud.
作者 石淇 康正 刘剑 许金鹏 张洪宇 张婷 陈方厅 何靖冉 邓芳敏 吴群红 田国梅 Shi Qi;Kang Zheng;Liu Jian(School of Health Management,Harbin Medical University,Harbin,Heilongjiang,150081,China)
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2024年第4期34-38,共5页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72074064,71573068)。
关键词 医保基金 监管 韦纳归因理论 公众 medical insurance fund supervision Weiner attribution theory public
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