

Analysis of Physical Examination Results of Elderly People in a Community in Beijing
摘要 目的:分析北京市某社区老年人体检结果,以了解社区老年人健康现状,掌握危害老年人健康的因素,为制定健康管理计划提供科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样法抽取2022年1—9月于北京市丰台区青塔街道社区卫生服务中心完成体检的233例老年人作为研究对象,收集其一般资料并进行分析。结果:233名体检老年人中,有体育锻炼206例(88.41%),无体育锻炼27例(11.59%);有不良饮食习惯46例(19.74%),无不良饮食习惯187例(80.26%);有吸烟史50例(21.46%),无吸烟史183例(78.54%);有饮酒史54例(23.18%),无饮酒史179例(76.82%);体重过轻2例(0.86%),体重正常84例(36.05%),超重108例(46.35%),肥胖39例(16.74%);肝功能正常223例(95.71%),肝功能异常10例(4.29%);血肌酐正常224例(96.14%),血肌酐异常9例(3.86%);血脂正常125例(53.65%),血脂异常108例(46.35%);空腹血糖正常158例(67.81%),空腹血糖异常75例(32.19%);患有1种慢性病81例(34.76%),患有2种慢性病66例(28.32%),患有≥3种慢性病38例(16.31%),无慢性病48例(20.60%)。老年人年龄与体育锻炼情况呈负相关(P<0.001),慢性病患病情况与不良饮食习惯呈正相关(P=0.032)。结论:北京市某社区老年人超重、患有慢性病等人数较多,可能与其吸烟、饮酒、缺乏锻炼、不良饮食习惯有关,社区医务人员应加强健康宣教,提高老年人健康认知水平。 Objective:To analyze the physical examination results of the elderly in a community in Beijing,understand the current health situation of the elderly in the community,grasp the factors that endanger the health of the elderly,and provide a scientific basis for the formulation of health management plans.Methods:A total of 233 elderly people who completed physical examination at Beijing Fengtai District Qingta Sub-district Community Health Service Center from January 2022 to September 2022 were se-lected by cluster sampling method.Their general data were collected and analyzed.Results:Among the 233 elderly people who un-derwent physical examination,206 cases(88.41%)had physical exercise,27 cases(11.59%)had no physical exercise;46 cases(19.74%)had bad eating habits,187 cases(80.26%)had no bad eating habits;50 cases(21.46%)had a history of smoking,183 cases(78.54%)had no history of smoking;54 cases(23.18%)had a history of alcohol drinking,179 cases(76.82%)had no history of alcohol drinking;2 cases(0.86%)had underweight,84 cases(36.05%)had normal weight,108 cases(46.35%)had overweight,39 cases(16.74%)had obesity;223 cases(95.71%)had normal liver function,10 cases(4.29%)had abnormal liver function;224 cases(96.14%)had normal serum creatinine,9 cases(3.86%)had abnormal serum creatinine;125 cases(53.65%)had normal blood lipids,108 cases(46.35%)had abnormal blood lipids;158 cases(67.81%)had normal fasting blood glucose,75 cases(32.19%)had abnormal fasting blood glucose;81 cases(34.76%)had 1 chronic disease,66 cases(28.32%)had 2 chronic dis-eases,38 cases(16.31%)had≥3 chronic diseases,48 cases(20.60%)had no chronic diseases.There was a negative correlation between elderly people's age and physical exercise(P<0.001),and a positive correlation between chronic disease and bad eating habits(P=0.032).Conclusion:The number of elderly people with overweight and chronic diseases in a community in Beijing is higher,which may be related to smoking,alcohol drinking,lack of exercise and bad eating habits.Community medical personnel should strengthen health education and improve the health awareness of the elderly.
作者 尹相倩 Yin Xiangqian(Beijing Fengtai District Qingta Sub-district Community Health Service Center,Beijing 100141,China)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2024年第4期148-150,共3页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 老年 健康体检 健康管理 慢性病 体育锻炼 Elderly Physical examination Health management Chronic disease Physical exercise
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